Public input period closes
The general public comment period for the 10-year update of the Oregon Conservation Strategy (Strategy) closed July 20, 2015. The update is a requirement of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
Over the past year, ODFW reached out to more than 200 technical experts, tribal biologists, and agency representatives to update Strategy content, and more than 100 ODFW biologists also provided input. ODFW staff made presentations at many conferences throughout the state.
A stakeholder advisory committee met from April through June to review updates to the Strategy and foster public engagement. The committee included outdoor interest groups, conservation organizations, travel interests, landowner groups, and government representatives.
Next Steps
ODFW staff now will analyze public comments and make appropriate revisions to the draft Strategy. The Oregon Fish and Wildlife Commission will be briefed on the public process and review the newly updated Conservation Opportunity Area maps at their August 7 meeting which is open to the public.
Final drafts will be presented to the Commission for adoption at its September 4 meeting in Salem. Public testimony will also be taken at this meeting.
Once approved by the Commission, the final Strategy will be submitted to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service by October 1, 2015. The final versions of both the Oregon Conservation Strategy and Oregon Nearshore Strategy will be available once they are approved.
- Table of contents, Introduction, list of USFWS required elements, ten-year report, and “How to use” navigation guide: Table of Contents, Introduction, National requirements, 10 – year report, “How-to” navigation guide (pdf)
- Key Conservation Issues: In 2005, stakeholders identified key conservation issues of primary importance to species and habitats throughout the state. These include Land Use Changes; Climate Change; Barriers to Fish and Wildlife Movement; Water Quality and Quantity; Altered Fire and Flood Regimes; Invasive Species; and Challenges and Opportunities for Private Landowners (formerly titled Institutional Barriers to Voluntary Conservation). In 2015, ODFW synthesized updated scientific information and recommendations for these issues. Key Conservation Issues throughout Oregon (pdf)
- Strategy Species: The list of Strategy Species includes wildlife, fish, invertebrates, and plants. The information associated with each species, including special needs, limiting factors, data gaps, and conservation actions has been updated. Strategy Species and Habitat Monitoring (pdf)], List of Strategy Species (pdf), List of Data Gap Species (pdf)
SUMMARY: What's Changed Since the 2005 Strategy Species List?
Total number in proposed 2015 Strategy Species list |
Number added since 2005 |
Number removed since 2005 |
Total number of “Data gap” species. Species lacking sufficient information to consider Criteria. |
Mammals |
20 |
4 |
0 |
10 |
Birds |
57 |
2 |
4 |
10 |
Amphibians and Reptiles |
22 |
1 |
1 (moved to Data Gap Status) |
6 |
Fish |
70 (counting management units as equivalent to species status) |
6 |
6 (plus an additional 12 moved to Data Gap status) |
44 |
Invertebrates |
48 |
9 |
9 (plus an additional 12 moved to Data Gap status) |
43 – additional surveys needed to determine status. An additional 32 invertebrate species have uncertain taxonomy |
Plants |
58 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
- Monitoring and supporting information for Strategy Species: Information on general species data gaps, monitoring, animal concentrations, and diseases. Species Data Gaps, Animal Concentrations, and Diseases (pdf)
- Ecoregional descriptions: Ecoregions are areas of similar climate and vegetation. The Strategy is organized by Oregon’s ecoregions. Strategy Species, Strategy Habitats, and Conservation Opportunity Areas are identified for each of Oregon’s eight statewide ecoregions. Ecoregional descriptions are available and include the Nearshore Marine ecoregion. The chapters provide a conservation overview and recommendations to address conservation issues. Ecoregional descriptions (pdf)
- Strategy Habitat descriptions: Strategy Habitats include: aspen woodlands; coastal dunes; estuaries; freshwater aquatic habitats; grasslands; late successional mixed conifer forests; oak woodlands; ponderosa pine woodlands; riparian habitats; sagebrush habitats; and wetlands. Strategy Habitat chapters describe the conservation issues and recommended approaches for each Habitat, and list resources for more detailed information and management guidance. Strategy Habitat Descriptions (pdf)
- Conservation Opportunity Areas (COAs):COAs were developed to guide voluntary actions and help focus investments in specific areas to increase the likelihood of long-term success over larger landscapes. For information about the COA update process. Conservation Opportunity Areas (pdf) Maps will be available at the August Fish and Wildlife Commission meeting.
- Conservation toolbox. Updated section on Oregon’s existing planning and regulatory framework; Voluntary conservation programs; recommendations for outreach. Outreach, Engagement, and Conservation Toolbox (pdf)
- Next steps for funding, implementation and review. General References.Funding, Implementation and Review Plan (pdf)