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Conservation and Recreation Fund awards second round of grants; next advisory committee meeting Feb. 5

February 2, 2021

SALEM, Ore. – A second round of grant funding from the Oregon Conservation and Recreation Fund (OCRF) was awarded last month to organizations throughout the state.

For a list of projects and brief description of each please visit,

A key aspect of the second round of funding is an increased focus on diversity, equity and inclusion in outdoor recreation programming in Oregon.

In addition to the recently funded projects, the Fish and Wildlife Commission during its Jan. 15 meeting approved a list of future projects contingent on funds becoming available. For a list of projects that need funding visit,

Any donations made between now and July 1, 2021 will be dedicated to these diverse and important projects.

"Verde is excited to receive this grant which will support our work towards adapting a COVID safe Club Aves program. We are elated to continue this work to provide safe outdoor recreation opportunities for youth and their families,” Raina Brot-Goldberg, Environmental Educator and Food Access Coordinator for Verde, an OCRF grant recipient

“Having this long list of incredible conservation and recreation projects demonstrates our commitment to serving Oregon’s diverse interests in fish, wildlife, their habitats and Oregon’s outdoor activities,” said, Dr. Karl Wenner, chair, OCRF advisory committee.

“Every Oregonian can show us that support by contributing to our fund, so that together we can make these projects a reality,” added Wenner.

Anyone interested in learning more can attend the next meeting of the OCRF advisory committee which will be held virtually on Feb. 5, at 10 a.m. Members of the public may attend and comment via

OCRF is a public-private partnership that has raised more than $250,000 so far and funded eight projects in 2020. Fundraising support for OCRF has come from at least 15,000 individuals who have donated either through ODFW’s Electronic Licensing System or the website,

The OCRF was created by the legislature in 2019 and the program sunsets at the end of the current biennium. Continuing to grow this program is a legislative priority for the Department of Fish and Wildlife and is included in the Governor’s omnibus outdoor recreation bill.

OCRF supports projects that implement the Oregon Conservation Strategy and create new opportunities to connect people with the outdoors.



Davia Palmeri, (971) 719-1192,

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