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Oregon State Police Fish and Wildlife Troopers request information on three elk poaching cases

September 18, 2024

SALEM- Oregon Hunters raised the reward amount to $1,500 for information regarding a bull elk that was illegally shot and left to waste in Linn County on Aug. 30 or 31.

OSP F&W Troopers, responding to a call from a member of the public, discovered the 5X5 Roosevelt elk east of Lebanon, in the Snow Peak permit area.  The carcass, located near Lulay and Roaring River mainlines, had been gutted, partially skinned and then left to waste.

The standard reward amount is $1,000 for information that leads to an arrest or citation in a poaching case involving deer or elk. Last week, Oregon Hunters Association (OHA) Mid-Willamette Valley chapter members voted to add $500 to that amount.  The destruction and waste of all wildlife is of concern to legal hunters, according to chapter President,  Ken McCall.

 “No matter where these poachers live and waste our precious wildlife resources in Oregon, they are in an area served by an Oregon Hunters Association chapter,” McCall said, “The Mid-Willamette chapter proudly supports our local Wildlife Enforcement officer’s efforts in solving this case.”   

Anyone with information is asked to contact an Albany Fish and Wildlife trooper through OSP dispatch at 800-442-2068 or by dialing *OSP (*677) from a mobile phone. Please refer to case number SP24285185.

Oregon State Police Fish and Wildlife Division would like to hear from members of the public who have information related to two other recent cases of elk shot and killed illegally.

In all three cases, the carcasses were left to waste.  Officials do not believe the cases are related. Reporting parties may choose to remain anonymous, and information that leads to an arrest or citation in any of these cases may pay a reward of $1,000 or four hunter preference points.

  • Douglas County:  On or around Aug. 9, poachers shot a cow elk and left the carcass to waste in a clearcut area near milepost 5 on Burnt Mountain Road. Anyone with information is asked to contact OSP’s Southern Command Center at 800-442-2068 or *OSP (*677) from a mobile phone. Reference case number #SP24261470. 
  • Union County: On the night of Aug. 18 or early morning of Aug. 19, poachers shot a cow elk and left the carcass to waste.  Anyone with information is encouraged to contact Senior Trooper Kris Davis at the Oregon State Police La Grande Patrol Office, 541-805-4757, or the Oregon State Police Southern Dispatch Center at 1-800-452-7888, *OSP (*677), or email TIP@osp.oregon.gov. Please reference case number SP24-269291.

The Protect Oregon’s Wildlife- Turn In Poachers Campaign educates the public on how to recognize and report poaching. This campaign is a collaboration among state agencies, sportsmen and other conservationists, landowners, and recreationists to engage the public in combatting Oregon’s poaching problem. Our goal is to: Incentivize reporting on wildlife crimes through the TIP Line; Strengthen enforcement by increasing the number of OSP Fish and Wildlife Troopers; and Support prosecution in becoming an effective deterrent. The campaign helps to protect and enhance Oregon’s fish and wildlife and their habitat for the enjoyment of present and future generations. Website: https://www.protectoregonswildlife.com/  Contact campaign coordinator Yvonne Shaw for more information. Yvonne.L.Shaw@odfw.oregon.gov.

If you know of or suspect other crimes against fish wildlife or habitat, please report to the Turn In Poachers (TIP) Line. 800-442-0776 Northern Command Center (NCC) or  800-442-2068 Southern Command Center (SCC)  or *OSP (*677) from a mobile phone. Or email: TIP@osp.oregon.gov.

Photo (credit OSP F&W): https://www.dfw.state.or.us/news/images/2024/091624_Cow%20elk%20poached%208-22-24%20Union_County.jpg
Caption: A cow elk that was illegally killed and left to waste near Elgin is one of three recent elk poaching cases across the state. Rewards of up to $1500 are in place for information that leads to an arrest or citation in these cases.

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Media Contact: Oregon State Police: osppio@osp.oregon.gov
ODFW: Yvonne.L.Shaw@odfw.oregon.gov (503) 383-6859  
To report tips: TIP Line: 800-452-7888 or *OSP (*677) from mobile

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