Columbian sharp-tailed grouse were historically found in most counties of eastern Oregon. These birds preferred the bunchgrass prairies interspersed with streambottoms containing deciduous shrubs and trees. This habitat was particularly common in north-central Oregon and the Columbia Basin. These same areas were also attractive to early homesteaders which had converted most of the bunchgrass prairie to crop production by 1915. In 1929, Oregon closed its hunting season for sharp-tailed grouse and it has never re-opened. By the late 1960’s sharp-tailed grouse were believed to have been extirpated from Oregon. More... |
Mountain quail populations have declined in many areas of the western Great Basin, particularly across former ranges in southeastern Washington, western Idaho, and eastern Oregon. Strategies for restoring declining wildlife populations have been largely reactive with recovery programs typically initiated only after populations or suitable habitats reached critically low levels. Restoration plans were often implemented without a clear understanding of the life-history or habitat requirements of a species. Mountain quail are a good candidate for translocations, because this species is highly productive with large clutches (10-12 eggs/clutch), and has a highly varied, mostly herbivorous diet. Currently, western Oregon has abundant and easily accessible populations of mountain quail that serve as a source for re-establishing or supplementing populations in areas of eastern Oregon where populations are rare or have been extirpated. More... |
Spruce grouse (Falcipennis canadensis) are a native species found in the forests of northeastern Oregon. This bird is widely distributed throughout the northern (boreal) forests of North America, with Oregon on extreme southwestern portion of its range. In Oregon, spruce grouse are known to occur in the Wallowa Mountains and Snake River divide. Spruce grouse have been protected in Oregon for more than 45 years, are listed as a sensitive species with no open hunting season. More... |