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Wildlife Control Operator (WCO)

Oregon’s permitted wildlife control operators are an individual, business owner, or the business owner’s designee charging a fee to control furbearers, unprotected mammals (excluding moles) and western gray squirrels causing damage, creating a public nuisance or posing a public health or safety concern in incorporated city limits and associated urban development areas. They are permitted by ODFW and governed by a set of rules.

What should you do if you have a nuisance problem?

If you are experiencing wildlife causing a nuisance you may contact a permitted wildlife control operator or contact ODFW if you wish to conduct the trapping yourself. A WCO permit is not required for the onsite capture and euthanasia of species defined as “predatory animals”. 

“Furbearers” means beaver, bobcat, fisher, marten, mink, muskrat, otter, raccoon, red fox, and gray fox.

“Predatory animals" means coyotes, rabbits, rodents (except beaver), feral swine, Starling, House sparrows, and Eurasian Collared Doves which are or may be destructive to agricultural crops, products and activities.

“Unprotected Mammals” means badger, coyote, gophers (Thomomys bottae, T. bulbivorus, T. mazama, T. talpoides and T. townsendii), moles (Scapanus townsendii, S. orarius and S. latimanus), mountain beaver (Apolodontia rufa), yellowbellied marmots (Marmota flaviventris), nutria, opossum, porcupine, spotted skunk, striped skunk, and weasel. For any person owning, leasing, occupying, possessing or having charge of or dominion over any land (or an agent of this person) who is taking or attempting to take coyote, gophers, mountain beaver (boomer), marmot, nutria, or porcupine on that property, these six species are considered to be predatory animals.

Prohibited species listed in OAR 635-056-0050 such as Nutria, Eastern Gray Squirrels, Eastern Fox Squirrels, and Virginia Opossum must be euthanized and cannot be released onsite.

New WCO:


  • Reporting FAQ (pdf)
  • Reporting LInk

Renewal WCO


Other Information

Wildlife Control Operators

Business/Individual Name Business Location Telephone Number Species indicated they work with
Ketch-Um Wildlife Control Albany 541-619-1044 Beaver, Raccoon, Squirrel, Nutria, Opossum, Skunk, Moles, Muskrat, River Otter, Gophers
Beaver State Wildlife Solutions, LLC Applegate 541-761-3312 Beaver
Michael Murray Ashland 530-859-3719 Beaver
Adam Wehner Bandon 503-428-8266 Coyote, Raccoon, Bobcat, Beaver, Nutria
Precision Pest Northwest Banks 971-506-0092 Squirrel, Raccoon, Skunk, Opossum
Aspen Wildlife Services Bend 541-603-8033 All species
Solid Pest Solutions, LLC Bend 541-678-2166 Raccoon, Skunk, Yellow-Bellied Marmot, Squirrel, Porcupine, Weasel
Think Wild       Bend 541-241-8680 All species exclusion only
Wildlife Nuisance Solutions LLC Bend 503-313-6150 Beaver, Bobcat, Raccoon, Skunk, Coyote, Squirrel, Porcupine, Badger
Burgin Pest Solutions Boring 503-826-1318 Raccoon, Skunk, Opossum, Squirrel, Fox, Bat & Bird Exclusion
A-1 Humane Wildlife Control Buxton 503-324-0406 Beaver, Raccoon, Opossum, Skunk, Nutria, Squirrel, Moles, Gophers
Get Bats Out Canby 503-303-8389 Bat Exclusion
A-1 Critter Solutions Central Point 541-301-0268 Raccoon, Skunk, Opossum, Fox, Snakes, Beaver, Coyote, Bat Exclusion
PDX Pest Control Clackamas 503-758-3651 Raccoon, Opossum, Skunk, Squirrel
The Huntsman-WMS Coos Bay 541-294-2050 Beaver, Raccoon, Skunk, Bobcat, Coyote, Nutria, Fox
Coast to Valley Wildlife Control Corvallis 760-515-0272 All species
Good Earth Pest Company Corvallis 541-753-7233 Skunk, Raccoon, Squirrels, Nutria, Opossum, Gophers, Moles, Voles, Bat Exclusion
F5 Wildlife Control Cottage Grove 541-972-0726 All species
Pacific Wildlife Control, LLC Cottage Grove 541-942-9781 Squirrel, Snake, Raccoon, Skunk, Beaver, Nutria, River Otter, Bobcat, Coyote, Turkey, Bat & Bird Exclusion
Roy Jackson Creswell 541-288-8661 Beaver, Nutria, Otter, Raccoon, Skunk, Opossum, Coyote, Fox, Bobcat
Nuisance Solutions Deer Island 503-410-9228 Beaver, Raccoon, Skunk, Nutria, Opossum, Squirrel, Bobcat
The Cougar Guy, LLC Elmira 541-731-5231 Coyote, Bobcat, Beaver, Skunk
Nathanael Maplesden Estacada 971-801-4658 Fox, Raccoon, Coyote, Opossum, Skunk, Beaver, Muskrat, Mink, River Otter
Johnson Wildlife Services Eugene 541-746-9972 Beaver, Bobcat, Coyote, Fox, Mink, Muskrat, Nutria, Opossum, River Otter, Raccoon, Skunk, Squirrel, Weasel
Noel Johnson Eugene 541-736-6261 Beaver, Bobcat, Coyote, Fox, Mink, Muskrat, Nutria, Opossum, River Otter, Raccoon, Skunk, Squirrel, Weasel
Ultimate Pest Control Eugene 541-607-1500 Raccoon, Skunk, Nutria, Opossum, Ground Squirrel, Moles, Gopher, Squirrel, Bird & Bat Exclusion
Dahlke Animal Control Forest Grove 971-470-4179 Beaver, Nutria, Skunk

D + K

Gold Beach


All Species

Bugs NorthWest Grants Pass 541-472-5003 Raccoon, Skunk, Opossum, Beaver, Fox, Snakes, Squirrel, Moles, Gophers, Turkey, Voles, Bird & Bat Exclusion
The Critter Gitters Grants Pass 541-659-5555 Beaver, Muskrat, Fox, Coyote, Bobcat, Opossum, Raccoon, Skunk, Squirrel, Turkey, Mink
Taylor Thorp Grants Pass 541-761-1933 All species
Pest Plus, LLC Gresham 971-777-2085 Raccoon, Skunk, Squirrel, Opossum, Bird Exclusion
Story Sold: Pest Control Gresham 971-337-4037 Raccoon, Skunk, Squirrel, Opossum, Bat Exclusion
West Fork Trapping Company Hood River/ Parkdale 541-806-4270 Beaver, Bobcat, Raccoon, Coyote, Fox, River Otter, Muskrat, Mink, Nutria, Opossum, Skunk, Squirrel, Rabbit, Mountain Beaver, Weasel, Badger, Yellow-bellied Marmot
Northwest Wildlife Control Jefferson 503-689-0050 Gophers, Moles, Beaver, Nutria, Coyote, Bobcat, Raccoon, Skunk, Opossum
Western Wildlife Services Junction City 541-968-0906 Beaver, Bobcat, Coyote, Fox, Mink, Squirrel, Opossum, Skunk, Nutria, Raccoon
Northwest Wildlife Removal, LLC Keizer 503-991-2404 Squirrel, Raccoon, Skunk, Opossum, Beaver, Rabbit, Nutria, Mole, Fox, Bat & Bird Exclusion
Oregon Pest and Wildlife Keizer 503-851-6178 Raccoons, Opossom, Beaver, Nutria, Squirrels, Rodents 
Humane Relocation Service Klamath Falls 541-591-0706 All species
Bradley Ross Klamath Falls 541-892-9452 Raccoon, Skunk
Healthy Home Pest Control, LLC Lebanon 541-223-3930 Raccoon, Skunk, Beaver, Nutria, Opossum, Squirrel
Phillip Toews Lebanon 503-428-2262 Nutria, Muskrat, Beaver, Rabbit, Squirrel, Raccoon, Opossum, Fox, Moles, Gophers, Mountain Beaver (Boomers)
Critter Getter Wildlife Control Lincoln City 541-921-0386 Raccoon, Squirrel, Bat Exclusion
Guardian Pest Management McMinville 971-267-5980 Raccoon, Squirrel, Nutria, Opossum, Skunk, Moles, Gopher, Rodents
Rogue Wildlife Solutions, LLC Medford 541-840-9602 Moles, Gophers, Voles, Raccoons, Skunks, Opossums, Squirrel
The Crawlspace Crew, DBA Milwaukie 503-821-7051 Raccoon, Opossum, Nutria, Squirrels, Skunk, Beaver, Rodents, Bird Exclusion
Don Nichols Mulino 503-757-7704 Moles, Gopher, Beaver, and Nutria
Russell Jenkins Murphy 541-846-0424 Squirrel, Fox, Coyote, Skunk, Racoon, Beaver, Rodents, Opossum
TW Affordable Nehalem 503-812-0560 All species
Bill's Pest Control, LLC North Bend 541-756-8489 All species
Mt Hood Pest Control, LLC Parkdale 541- 490-4157 Beaver, Skunk, Raccoon, Squirrel, Rodents,Opossum
ABL Wildlife Portland 541-510-8277 Raccoon, Opossum, Nutria, Squirrels, Skunk, Fox, Beaver, Snakes, Bobcat, Gophers, Bat & Bird Exclusion
EMC Pest Control and Cleaning Services Portland 907-433-9576 Squirrel, Raccoon, Skunk, Opossum, Bird & Bat Exclusion
Paramount Pest Control Inc Portland 24/7 Phone:503-708-4550 Office:503-288-7375 Beaver, Raccoon, Skunk, Opossum, Squirrel, Nutria, Bird Exclusion
Pest & Pollinator, LLC Portland 971-231-9945 Squirrel, Beaver, Nutria, & Rodents
Aronson Pest Control, LLC Prineville 541-419-1374 All species
Bugs Plus Pest Solutions Redmond 541-668-0523 Raccoon, Skunk, Squirrels, Yellow-bellied Marmot, Squirrel, Rattlesnakes, Badger, Beaver, Gopher
Daniel Embertson Riddle 541-680-3653 Skunk, Nutria, Raccoon, Fox, Beaver, Opossum, Bobcat, Bat Exclusion
Eco Care Pest Solutions Ridgefield 360-887-2399 Raccoon, Opossum, Squirrel, Bat Exclusion
M&S Wildlife and Pest Control Ridgefield 360-904-0131 Squirrel, Raccoon, Opossum, Skunk, Bird Exclusion
Anderson's Predator Control, LLC Rogue River 541-621-2151 Badger, Beaver, Bobcat, Coyote, Fisher, Fox, Gopher, Mink, Muskrat, Otter, Rabbit, Raccoon, Rodents, Skunk, Squirrels, Bird Exclusion
Advanced Wildlife Removal, LLC Salem 971-281-4345 Raccoon, Skunk, Opossum, Squirrel, Nutria, Rabbit, Fox, Rodents, Bird & Bat Exclusion
Wildlife Specialists Animal and Predator Removal Scappoose 425-830-6148 All species
Chris Blamer Scotts Mills 503-873-7514 Opossum, Beaver, Squirrel, Nutria, Coyote, Raccoon, Bobcat, Skunk, River Otter, Gophers
Farmers Friend Wildlife Control Silverton 503-409-0174 Beaver, Muskrat, Nutria, Raccoon, Skunk, Opossum, Coyote, Squirrel, Mole, Gopher
Aspen Wildlife Services Springfield 541-485-6011 All species
Summit Pest Management Tigard 503-639-2500 Skunk, Opossum, Squirrels, Raccoon, Bird Exclusion
Oliver Yardley Toledo 541-819-2510 All species
Allied Pest & Wildlife Tualatin 503-810-3167 Rodents, Squirrel, Raccoon, Skunk, Opossum
Deep Roots Pest & Wildlife Innovations Vancouver 360-224-1716 Beaver, Skunk, Raccoon, Opossum, Rabbit
Eradicon Pest Management, LLC Vancouver 360-747-7150 Raccoon, Squirrel, Opossum, Skunk, Nutria, Moles, Snakes, Bird & Bat Exclusion
Wayfare Pest Solutions Vancouver 844-929-3273 Beaver, Raccoon, Skunk, Squirrel, Opossum, Bird & Bat Exclusion
The Squirrel Pro Vancouver  360-787-6246 Squirrel, Racoon, Moles
Hanson Animal Damage Control Service Walterville 541-954-7554 All species
Jack Russel Home Services Inc Warrenton 503-717-2455 Raccoon, Opossum, River Otter, Squirrel, Skunk, Bat & Bird Exclusion
Clear Choice Wildlife and Moles Washougal 360-839-4591 Raccoon, Squirrel, Nutria, Opossum, Skunk, Moles, Gopher, Rodents, Bird & Bat Exclusion
Sisu Business Builders West Linn 503-960-0078 All species
Sky Guardian, LLC West Linn 503-969-6119 Beaver, Raccoon, Coyote, Squirrel, Fox, Rabbit, Muskrat, Nutria, Opossum, Bat & Bird Exclusion
Quail Bones Farms, LLC West Linn 816-797-4779 All species
AllPro Wildlife Removal Wilsonville 503-766-6332 Raccoon, Opossum, Squirrel, Skunk, Nutria, Beaver, River Otter, Muskrat, Bobcat, Coyote, Mole, Gopher, Bat Exclusion

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09/03/2024 2:16 PM