For information on how to live with wildlife, visit these species pages:
Bats | Beaver | Birds | Black Bears | Bobcats | Cougars | Coyotes | Deer and Elk | Frogs | Nutria | Osprey | Owls | Raccoons | Snakes | Tree Squirrels | Turkeys | Turtles | Wolves | Young Wildlife
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Beaver Dam
-Defenders of Wildlife- |
ODFW's 3-Year Action Plan for Beaver-Modified Landscapes (pdf)
ODFW Beaver Emphasis Area primary contacts map (pdf)
Beaver Action Plan Partnership Meetings (pdfs)
ODFW Living with Wildlife: American Beaver (pdf)
Landowner Survey on incentives and Tolerances for Managing Beaver Impacts in Oregon (pdf) (2011)
Beaver bibliography (pdf): An annotated bibliography of published literature on beaver (2008)
Oregon State Animal: (pdf) American Beaver Fact Sheet
ODFW Requirements for Relocation of Beaver in Oregon (pdf)
February 12, 2020 Beaver Work Group Meeting Presentations