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Bats | Beaver | Birds | Black Bears | Bobcats | Cougars | Coyotes | Deer and Elk | Frogs | Nutria | Osprey | Owls | Raccoons | Snakes | Tree Squirrels | Turkeys | Turtles | Wolves | Young Wildlife


Frogs are Cool!Frogs are cool!

Worldwide, frogs are in trouble and many are on the road to extinction. Oregon’s frogs need lots of help, too, so we’ve created a flyer for kids to learn about our native species. View a copy here (pdf).

Listen to a chorus of treefrogs.

Pacific Tree Frog
Pacific Tree Frog
-Photo by Kelly McAllister-

Twelve native species of frogs and toads live in Oregon. Many of them are classified as Oregon State Sensitive species and listed in the Oregon Conservation Strategy as species in need of help—that means they have small or declining populations. Worldwide, frogs are in trouble and many are on the road to extinction. Habitat loss, pollution, pesticides, climate change, infectious diseases, the pet trade and invasive animal species are all causing problems for frogs.



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