PFA Grant Program

Private Forest Accord Mitigation Advisory Committee
Public Meeting

Wednesday, March 15th, 2023 - Virtual Public Meeting 1:00 p.m.– 2:30 p.m.

The Private Forest Accord Mitigation Advisory Committee (PFA MAC) held a virtual public business meeting on March 15. This was the second meeting of this new committee, which was created as part of the Private Forest Accord. The meeting was open to the public and a recording is available here.

MAC Meetings page

Action & Information
Time # Item Member(s)
1:00 – 1:05 1. Call to Order, Roll Call, & Approval of Agenda Chair
1:05 – 1:10 2.

Consent Agenda

  1. Meeting Minutes – February 2023
1:10 – 1:20 3.

Public Comment
(See below for public comment information)

Register online

1:20 – 1:40 4.

Committee Operating Procedures & Governance

The Chair will lead a discussion of the draft Committee Operating Procedures and MAC meeting governance.

  1. Draft Committee Operating Procedures
1:40 – 1:55 5.

Mitigation Fund & Budget Update and Overview

The Department will provide a PFA MAC budget update of current funding authority and amounts for 2023.

Sarah Reif
1:55 – 2:25 6.

Oregon Administrative Rules and 2023 Schedule Updates

The Department will discuss an updated 2023 schedule outlook concerning the adoption of Oregon Administrative Rules and the first solicitation, including an overview of other key documents the MAC will need to approve, such as an Expenditure Framework and Grant Evaluation Criteria.

Andy Spyrka
2:25 – 2:30 7.

Committee Closing Comments & Meeting Wrap-up

The MAC Chair will summarize the meeting’s outcomes and provide time for members to remark on topics for future meetings.

All Members
2:30   Meeting adjourns  

The times listed on the agenda are approximate. At the discretion of the chair, the time and order of an agenda item—including the addition of a break or executive session — may change to maintain the meeting flow. *A single asterisk preceding the item number marks an executive or work session, and public testimony/comment will not be accepted.

MAC OPERATING PROCEDURES: The Private Forest Accord Mitigation Advisory Committee (MAC) Operating, once adopted by the MAC, will be posted on the MAC’s website at:

PUBLIC TESTIMONY: The MAC places great value on information received from the public. The MAC accepts written comments on all agenda items except consent agenda and Work Session items [see explanation below]. Those wishing to testify or present information to the MAC are encouraged to:
Provide written summaries of lengthy, detailed information, and remember that the value of your comments is in the substance, not length.

  • Endorse rather than repeat the testimony of others.
  • The MAC will have an opportunity to review and consider your testimony before the meeting when sent more than 72 hours before the meeting date. If submitted after this window of time the testimony will be entered into the public record but may not be viewed by the MAC until after the meeting.
  • For in-person meetings, sign in at the information table in the meeting room when you arrive.

Written comments for public testimony provide a valuable reference and may be submitted before, during, or up to two weeks after the meeting for consideration by the MAC. Please submit a copy to the MAC Administrator, and written comments received will be distributed to the MAC. Oral or written comments may be summarized, audio-recorded, and filed as a record. Audio files and video links of the MAC’s meetings are posted within one week after the meeting at The MAC cannot accept comments on consent agenda items or a topic for which a public hearing has been held and the comment period has closed. If you wish to provide oral comments to the MAC, you must Register Online to sign up for live testimony at least two business days before the meeting. The registration link is located under the “Public Notice of Upcoming Meetings” section. If experiencing technical issues or to request accommodations, contact the MAC Administrator. Three minutes maximum will be allotted for each individual to provide their comments, with less time per person when there are numerous requests to speak. The maximum amount of time for all public testimony for agenda items with a MAC decision is on the meeting agenda. The chair may, however, provide an opportunity for public comment at the end of the meeting when all agenda items are completed before the official end time of the meeting.

WORK SESSIONS: Certain agenda topics may be marked with an asterisk indicating a "Work Session" item. Work Sessions provide the MAC opportunity to receive information and/or make decisions after considering previous public comments and staff recommendations. No new public comment will be taken. However, the MAC may choose to ask questions of the audience to clarify issues raised.

GENERAL INFORMATION: For regularly scheduled meetings, the MAC's agenda is posted on the web at in advance of the meeting date. During that time, circumstances may dictate a revision to the agenda, either in the sequence of items to be addressed or in the time of day the item is to be presented. The MAC will make every attempt to follow its published schedule and requests your indulgence when that is not possible.
To provide the broadest range of services, lead-time is needed to make the necessary arrangements for offsite locations. If special materials, services, or assistance is required, such as a sign language interpreter, assistive listening device, or large print material, please contact our Public Information Office at least seven working days before the meeting via telephone at (503) 947-6000 or visit