PFA Grant Program

Regular Private Forest Accord Grant Program Advisory Committee Meeting

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

12:00 P.M. Virtual Public Session

The Private Forest Accord Grant Program Advisory Committee (Advisory Committee) will hold a regular virtual public business meeting. The meeting is open to the public and will be live on the link below.

Advisory Committee’s Public Meetings page

Meeting Agenda
Time # Item Member(s)
12:00 – 12:05 1.

Call to Order, Roll Call, & Approval of Agenda

12:05 – 12:10 2.

Consent Agenda

  1. Meeting Minutes – March 2024
12:10 – 12:20 3.

Public Comment

Public Comments [See below for public comment information]

12:20 – 12:30 4.

Staff Report

  1. Update by Andy Spyrka, PFA Grant Coordinator.
ODFW Staff
12:30 – 1:00 5.

OWEB Acquisition Discussion

Miriam Forney, OWEB Acquisitions Coordinator, will engage with the Advisory Committee to discuss acquisition processes.

OWEB Staff
1:00 – 1:50 6.

Committee Acquisition Discussion

The Chair will lead in the Committee in discussion regarding the inclusion of acquisition in the PFA Grants Program and create a working group.

1:50 – 2:00 7.

Committee Closing Comments & Meeting Wrap-up

The Advisory Committee Chair will summarize the meeting’s outcomes and provide time for members to remark on topics for future meetings.

All Members

Meeting adjourns.

Watch the Meeting

The times listed on the agenda are approximate. At the chair's discretion, the time and order of an agenda item—including the addition of a break or executive session — may change to maintain the meeting flow.

RESOURCES: All adopted resources may be found online at

PUBLIC TESTIMONY: This Committee accepts written comments on all agenda items. It is encouraged that written comments be provided 72 hours in advance for Committee consideration, but public testimony may be requested during the standard Public Comment agenda item without advanced notice. Any written comments may be submitted to the Committee Board Appointed Person Andy Spyrka, Three minutes maximum will be allotted for each individual to provide their comments, with less time per person when there are numerous requests to speak. The maximum amount of time for all public testimony for agenda items is on the meeting agenda. The Chair may, however, provide an opportunity for public comment at the end of the meeting when all agenda items are completed before the official end time of the meeting.

GENERAL INFORMATION & PRIOR MEETINGS: For regularly scheduled meetings, the Grant Program Advisory Committee's agenda is posted on the web at in advance of the meeting date.

ACCESSIBILITY: This meeting is accessible to persons with disabilities. A request for an interpreter for the hearing impaired or other accommodations for persons with disabilities should be made at least 48 hours before the meeting to our Public Information Office via telephone at (503) 947-6000 or visit