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Free Fishing Weekend events around Oregon’s north coast

June 1, 2015

Umpqua River jetty fishing
Zane Nilssen with his first fish, a rainbow trout that he caught at an Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife free fishing event. Everybody fishes free June 6-7 during Free Fishing Weekend, when ODFW waives all recreational fishing, clamming and crabbing fees to encourage people to get out and try their hand at these activities. Click image to enlarge.
-ODFW photo by Rick Swart-

TILLAMOOK, Ore. – Free Fishing Weekend in Oregon is June 6-7, and a number of events are planned around Oregon’s North Coast to help people make the most of this opportunity.

During Free Fishing Weekend, fishing and shellfish licenses, tags and endorsements are not required anywhere in Oregon. To provide a little extra incentive to get out and join the fun, the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife and several of its partners are planning organized fishing activities on Saturday, June 6. At most of these events, fishing gear, bait and instruction will be provided. Some will even have special activities for the kids. Event locations, times and contact information are as follows:

  • Olalla Reservoir, 9 a.m-2 p.m., Christine Clapp, 541-265-8306 (this event replaces the one formerly held at Big Creek Reservoir). No shuttle service and participants can park at the reservoir. Netted enclosure for youth fishing only; adults encouraged to fish outside the enclosure with their kids.
  • Clewox Lake at Honeyman State Park, 9 a.m.-2 p.m., Jim Grano, 541-268-9954
  • Fort Stevens State Park, 9 a.m.-2 p.m., Dane Osis, 503-861-3170
  • Hebo Lake, 9 a.m. – 2 p.m., Hebo Ranger District, 503-392-5100
  • Nedonna Pond, 9 a.m.-2 p.m., Joe Watkins, 503-368-6828
  • Salmon River Hatchery, 8 a.m.-noon, Brian Vinyard, 541-994-8606 (Kids must register at Lincoln City Community Center by calling 541-994-2131)
  • Trask Hatchery, 8 .am.-3 p.m., James Skaar, 503-842-409

In addition to these locations, many other North Coast lakes, ponds and streams in the region will be stocked with trout, including the following: Cape Meares Lake (2,300), Lost Lake (2,300), Sunset lake (150) and Town Lake (1,800).

Though fishing licenses are not required all other regulations apply, including those pertaining to catch limits and size restrictions.

Free Fishing Weekend also coincides with State Parks Day, so if you’re going camping or hiking in an Oregon State Park this weekend, be sure and take a fishing rod along.

For those who prefer a little more solitude, there dozens of other lakes, ponds, streams and ocean waters around the North Coast to explore. Many are listed on ODFW’s website ( under the Fishing tab, along with additional fishing information, including:

Free Fishing Weekend is always the first full weekend in June. But remember, it’s always free fishing for kids under 14 years old.




Jessica Sall (503) 947-6023

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