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Regulating harvest, protection, and enhancement of fish populations

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The Fish Division

Fish Division Mission

The mission of the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW) is to protect and enhance Oregon’s fish and wildlife and their habitats for use and enjoyment by present and future generations. The Department is charged by statute (ORS 506.036) to protect and propagate fish in the state. This includes direct responsibility for regulating harvest of fish, protection of fish, enhancement of fish populations through habitat improvement, and the rearing and release of fish into public waters. ODFW maintains hatcheries throughout the state to provide fish for program needs. Operation of these facilities is governed by the following:

  • The Oregon Plan for Salmon and Watersheds, a comprehensive plan for the conservation of salmon and the protection of their habitat which coordinates the actions of all state agencies that affect aquatic resources.

  • The Native Fish Conservation Policy, which provides a basis for managing hatcheries in balance with sustainable production of naturally produced native fish.

  • The Fish Hatchery Management Policy, which provides general fish culture and facility guidelines and measures to maintain genetic resources of native fish populations spawned or reared in captivity.

  • The Fish Health Management Policy, which describes measures that minimize the impact of fish diseases on the state’s fish resources.



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