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Native Fish Conservation and Recovery

ODFW’s efforts to understand, to conserve, and to restore native fish populations are guided by a conservation framework of plans, regulations, research, and voluntary, grass-roots efforts.

Conservation and Recovery Plans

ODFW is leading or participating in several recovery or conservation planning efforts designed to address legal requirements for recovery planning under the U.S. Endangered Species Act and under Oregon’s Native Fish Conservation Policy. This page lists the current status of plans for all fish species or species management units in Oregon. Conservation and Recovery Plans

Implementation Programs

Native Fish Investigations - The Native Fish Investigations Project conducts statewide research on Oregon’s non-anadromous native fish. Our mission is to provide scientific information on the status (distribution and abundance), life history, genetics, and habitat needs for Oregon’s native fish populations. This page contains more information about the species studied, publications available, current staff, and job openings.

Aquatic Inventories Project

REDD (Fish Research Evaluation Data & Decision Support)

Corvallis Research Laboratory

Fish Permits and Licenses

Chum Salmon Reintroduction Project - Information regarding the monitoring, broodstock collection, reintroduction, restoration, and research efforts to promote Chum Salmon recovery in Oregon. Project website is also a source for reports, presentations, monitoring data, and videos.

Klamath Anadromous Fisheries Reintroduction program - The four lower Klamath hydroelectric dams on the Klamath River are scheduled to be removed as early as 2023. The removal of these dams will open up over 400 miles of anadromous fish habitat that has been blocked for over 100 years. Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife is leading or partnering with others to establish procedures to monitor Chinook salmon, coho salmon, steelhead, and Pacific lamprey once they are able to repopulate habitat above the dams.

Western Oregon Stream Restoration Program (WOSRP) - provides direct technical support to Watershed Councils and private landowners in western Oregon to implement Oregon Plan measures directing the restoration and enhancement of Oregon’s salmonid habitats in the region. This includes projects to increase instream habitat complexity by adding large wood or boulders, enhancing riparian areas by protection or planting, and correcting fish passage problems. The program is the continuation of the productive public-private partnership, which has been ongoing since 1995.


Salmon and Steelhead Recovery Tracker - As conservation and recovery plans are completed, ODFW and several partners have worked, are working and will work to make the criteria, metrics and data used in those plans available to interested parties. This site is where status relative to plan objectives can be tracked.

Lists of Species - ODFW maintains lists of species for various purposes. More information on threatened or endangered species, sensitive species, native migratory fish species, prohibited species, and more are available on this page.

Oregon Native Fish Status Report - The Native Fish Status Report describes the current conservation status of native fishes in Oregon based on criteria defined in Oregon’s Native Fish Conservation Policy (NFCP). This report summarizes risk assessments completed for native salmon and steelhead, most native trout and other selected native fish species using criteria outline in the Policy.

Natural Resources Information Management Program - The Natural Resources Information Management Program is a part of the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW), and is a participant within the regional StreamNet Project, a cooperative venture of federal and state agencies and tribes in the Pacific Northwest. Our Program provides information and services that are essential for accomplishing ODFW's mission - to protect and enhance Oregon's fish and wildlife and their habitats for enjoyment by present and future generations.

Scientific, Education, and Rescue Salvage Take Reports (pdf)

Related Policies and Plans

Oregon Native Fish Status Report - The Native Fish Status Report describes the current conservation status of native fishes in Oregon based on criteria defined in Oregon’s Native Fish Conservation Policy (NFCP). This report summarizes risk assessments completed for native salmon and steelhead, most native trout and other selected native fish species using criteria outline in the Policy.

Fish Hatchery Management Policy - The Hatchery Management Policy complements and supports the Native Fish Conservation Policy through conservation plans developed for individual species management units, hatchery program management plans, or other formal agreements with management partners. The Hatchery Management Policy provides a foundation for the management and reform of hatcheries in Oregon, whereas the Native Fish Conservation Policy establishes the process for defining the specific use of the hatchery tool in specific watersheds.

Oregon Plan for Salmon and Watersheds - Oregon’s voluntary and innovative plan to unite citizens, anglers, timber producers, conservation groups, tribes utilities and government in their efforts to restore salmon runs, improve water quality and achieve healthy watersheds.

Oregon Nearshore Strategy - This strategic document establishes priorities for ODFW’s management of nearshore (within 3 miles of shore) marine resources. It provides a wealth of information on key nearshore species and habitats, information gaps and needs, and opportunities for public/private conservation actions and partnerships.

Oregon Conservation Strategy - Celebrates Oregon’s natural heritage by articulating goals and identifying actions that conserve and restore Oregon’s species, habitats and ecosystems. It is not a regulatory document but instead presents issues, opportunities and recommended voluntary actions that will improve the efficiency and effectiveness of conservation in Oregon.

Oregon Native Fish Conservation Policy - Originally adopted in 2002, the purpose of the policy is to ensure the conservation and recovery of native fish through the development and implementation of conservation plans.


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