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Native Fish Conservation - Klamath Anadromous Fisheries Reintroduction program

The four lower Klamath hydroelectric dams on the Klamath River are scheduled to be removed as early as 2023. The removal of these dams will open up over 400 miles of anadromous fish habitat that has been blocked for over 100 years. Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife is leading or partnering with others to establish procedures to monitor Chinook salmon, coho salmon, steelhead, and Pacific lamprey once they are able to repopulate habitat above the dams.

The plans that have been developed provide information, recommendations, strategic approaches that are based on science, and are supported by stakeholders to guide reintroduction efforts of anadromous fishes into the Oregon portion of the Klamath River Basin.

Selected hydrography of the Klamath Basin, including the distinction between the upper (upstream of Iron Gate Dam) and lower basin (downstream of Iron Gate Dam). Locations of dams in the Klamath Hydroelectric Project that are to be removed in 2023 (Iron Gate Dam, Copco1 and 2 Dams, and J.C. Boyle Dam) are highlighted in red, and other major dams in the Klamath Basin are shown. The current upstream extent of anadromous fishes is Iron Gate Dam. ODFW map illustration Dec. 2022.

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Selected hydrography of the Upper Klamath Basin with Klamath River mainstem dams. The Upper Klamath Basin is defined as that portion of the Klamath Basin above the site of Iron Gate Dam, which excludes anadromous fishes. Dams (Iron Gate, Copco 1 and 2, and J.C. Boyle Dam) planned to be removed in 2024 are highlighted in red. Potential existing streams with suitable anadromous fish habitat are highlighted in red.ODFW map illustration Dec. 2022.

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