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ODFW Volunteer Programs

Oregon is home to over 650 different species of fish and wildlife. These species continue to thrive because of the work of volunteers. Volunteers are vital to ensuring that the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife fulfills its mission of protecting and enhancing Oregon’s fish, wildlife, and their habitats for present and future generations. ODFW offers a variety of volunteer assignments including restoring habitat, assisting biologists with surveys, teaching fishing, archery and hunting skills, RV host at wildlife area or hatchery and participating on a task force or board.

Current Volunteer Opportunities
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ODFW Volunteers:

  • Bring enthusiasm, energy, and ideas to ODFW
  • Donate thousands of hours of time
  • Increase the quality of ODFW projects and services
  • Advocate for ODFW and for Oregon's resources
  • Support programs that protect fish and wildlife
  • Actively participate in resource management activities
  • Bring expertise and skills to ODFW

Volunteer and get a chance to:

  • Interact with new people
  • Give back to the fish, wildlife and habitat you care about and enjoy
  • Work with ODFW staff
  • Put professional skills and expertise to good use
  • Gain new skills and experience
boy scout checking wood duck box
loading up for backpack fish stocking
Monitoring wood duck boxes
Loading up for backpack fish stocking

Volunteer Program Opportunities

releasing pheasant

Region Wildlife Volunteer Programs

Assist with wildlife surveys, habitat improvement, nest box building and monitoring, public education, carpentry, computer and clerical work.

volunteer netting salmon

Salmon and Trout Enhancement Program (STEP)

Complete stream habitat restoration work, conduct surveys, help with education projects, or hatch and rear salmon and trout eggs.

RV at EE Wilson site

Volunteer Host Program (RV Required)

Join other RV owners from across the nation who live and work for a month or more at one of our hatcheries, wildlife areas or offices.

child with fish

Angler Education Program

Become a certified volunteer instructor and teach basic fishing skills, aquatic conservation and stewardship, ethical conduct and water safety.

hunting pair

Hunter Education Program

Continue to make hunting a safe and enjoyable pastime in Oregon by teaching safe and responsible hunting techniques and skills to others.

Thank you volunteers!

Volunteers annually donate more than 200,000 hours of service.
Their skills, devotion, and willingness to help where needed, provide enormous support to our agency.
Each year, ODFW tracks the number of volunteers and their hours.
Download the Volunteer Program Annual Report 2021 (pdf) for more details.


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4034 Fairview Industrial Drive SE   ::   Salem, OR 97302   ::    Main Phone (503) 947-6000 or (800) 720-ODFW [6339]

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   © ODFW. All rights reserved. This page was last updated: 07/09/2024 9:29 AM