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Fish and Wildlife Habitat

Land Resources Program

The Land Resources Program provides guidance for land-use activities in Oregon that affect fish and wildlife habitats. These recommendations are provided to the state, federal and local agencies charged with regulating these activities. ODFW recommendations are based on the Fish and Wildlife Habitat Mitigation Policy. State laws requires other agencies to seek ODFW recommendations on how to best maintain, protect and restore fish and wildlife habitat during development actions. The Fish and Wildlife Habitat Mitigation Policy directs how the agency evaluates proposed projects and responds when making recommendations to other local, state and federal agencies.

The Land Resources program offers technical assistance, tax incentives and grants to private and public landowners, businesses and governments to help conserve fish and wildlife habitats, and to ensure environmental protection standards are met: The program provides:

  • Technical advice and assistance to local, state and federal agencies regarding land-use activities and proposed developments
  • Technical expertise to other natural resource agencies on removal-and-fill actions, energy facility siting, mining, transportation and forest management issues
  • Statewide consistency and application of natural resource protection statutes
  • Coordination of ODFW’s responses to hazardous material spill events that affect fish, wildlife, or habitat, and obtain compensation for damages under state or federal Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) statutes.



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