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The Oregon Conservation StragegyThe Oregon Conservation Strategy

The Oregon Conservation Strategy is an overarching plan to conserve Oregon’s fish and wildlife, and their habitats. It combines the best available science and conservation priorities with recommended voluntary actions and tools for all Oregonians to define their own conservation role.

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ODFW is in the process of revising the Oregon Conservation Strategy (OCS). Find out more.

Goals of the Oregon Conservation Strategy

  • Maintain healthy fish and wildlife populations by maintaining and restoring functioning habitats
  • Prevent decline of at-risk species
  • Reverse downturns in fish and wildlife populations where possible

Oregon Conservation Strategy Outline

The Strategy identifies conservation priorities at different scales, from statewide threats impacting Oregon’s natural resources to individual species in need. That way, no matter how large an organization or how small a parcel of land, all Oregonians can use the Strategy to find a role in conservation. The Strategy includes information on:              

  • Key Conservation Issues: Statewide conservation issues or threats that affect species and habitats over large landscapes throughout Oregon, including: Climate Change, Land Use Changes, Invasive Species, Disruption of Disturbance Regimes, Barriers to Animal Movement, Water Quality and Quantity, Challenges and Opportunities for Private Landowners to Initiate Conservation Actions.
  • Ecoregions: 9 delineated areas of Oregon with similar climate and vegetation.
  • Conservation Opportunity Areas (COAs): 206 priority locations across Oregon where conservation efforts provide the most benefit to the greatest number of fish and wildlife species of conservation need. Focusing investments in COAs can increase long-term success, maximize effectiveness over larger landscapes, improve funding efficiency, and promote cooperative efforts across ownership boundaries.
  • Strategy Habitats: Native habitats of conservation concern that are essential to many Strategy Species, including: Aspen Woodlands, Coastal Dunes, Estuaries, Flowing Water and Riparian Habitats, Grasslands, Late Successional Mixed Conifer Forests, Natural Lakes, Oak Woodlands, Ponderosa Pine Woodlands, Sagebrush Habitats, Wetlands.
  • Strategy Species: Species of greatest conservation need are the foundation of the Strategy. There are 294 Strategy Species which are those having small or declining populations, or are otherwise at-risk. The Strategy Species list includes: Amphibians, Birds, Mammals, Reptiles, Fish, Invertebrates, and Plants and Algae.
  • Monitoring: Monitoring is key to determining the status of Strategy Species and Strategy Habitats, and evaluating effectiveness of conservation actions over time. Understanding it is not possible to monitor all species of potential conservation concern, the Strategy outlines priorities and strategies, guidelines, and on-going citizen science efforts to help Oregonians work together to learn more about our important natural resources.
  • Conservation Toolbox: A place where Oregonians can define their own conservation role. The toolbox gives information on: Outreach, Education, and Engagement; Conservation in Urban Areas; Oregon’s Existing Planning and Regulatory Framework; and Voluntary Conservation Programs in Oregon.

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