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Hydropower Program

Slide Creek Powerhouse
Slide Creek Powerhouse and Tailrace Barrier– North Umpqua River
- Photo by David Harris, ODFW-

The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW) is a member of the state Hydroelectric Application Review Team and works closely with hydropower project operators and developers, other agencies, and interest groups in federal and state licensing proceedings. ODFW’s Hydropower Program (Program) functions within the Water Quality and Quantity Program and consists of a manager, statewide program leader, five regional hydropower coordinators and several implementation staff. Developers who are considering a new project, or license holders that must reauthorize existing projects, are encouraged to contact Program staff to obtain information about fish and wildlife distribution and studies, fish passage requirements, and mitigation measures that may be applicable to their project.

State policy allows ODFW to participate to the fullest extent in any local, state, or federal proceeding related to hydroelectric power development in order to protect the natural resources of Oregon (ORS 543.015).

  • Program staff conduct project site visits and make recommendations to the Oregon Water Resources Department to ensure that any water right permit, license, or certificate contains fish and wildlife protection and mitigation measures that are consistent with the standards required by ORS 543.017, ORS 543A.025, and ORS 543.765.
  • ODFW participates in all aspects of federal proceedings and files comments, recommended terms and conditions, and prescriptions with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) pursuant to Section 10(j) of the Federal Power Act (FPA); Section 30(c) of the FPA, the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act, and Section 10(a)(1) of the FPA for the  protection, mitigation, and enhancement of fish and wildlife and their habitat associated with any FERC license or exemption.

Currently Program staff are participating in major proceedings for Idaho Power’s Hells Canyon (Snake River) project, PacifiCorp’s Klamath (Klamath Basin) project, Eugene Water and Electric Board's Carmen-Smith (McKenzie River) project; and review and oversight of several proposed or licensed hydropower retrofits of federal dams and ocean wave energy projects. Additionally, Program staff participate in on-going implementation of settlement agreements and FERC licenses for projects such as Pelton–Round Butte (Deschutes Basin), Clackamas (Willamette Basin), and North Umpqua (Umpqua Basin).


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