Photo & Video Gallery -Redfish Rocks ROV Assessment: Select Nearshore Rocky Reef Fish Species
This video highlights 15 fish species found in the Redfish Rocks Marine Reserve/Marine Protected Area, and more broadly, the Northeast Pacific. Fish species in this video were chosen based on a combination of common occurrence, footage availability, and footage quality. These clips were taken by remote operated vehicle (ROV) in September of 2010. The depth ranges from 15 to 40 meters. 10 cm laser spacing.
Species (in order of appearance): blue rockfish, black rockfish, kelp greenling, lingcod, canary rockfish, yellowtail rockfish, quillback rockfish, copper rockfish, china rockfish, rosethorn rockfish, yelloweye rockfish, vermilion rockfish, tiger rockfish, cabezon, and striped surfperch.
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