ROSEBURG, Ore. – Rock Creek Hatchery is temporarily closed to the public during construction of a fish ladder. The closure is expected to last through February 2011.
The new fish ladder will improve access to about 40 miles of stream habitat in Rock Creek basin for salmon, steelhead, sea-run cutthroat trout and Pacific lamprey. A sorting facility will let staff separate returning hatchery fish while wild fish pass upstream. In addition, a new screen will help protect migrating juvenile fish.
The Laskey-Clifton Corporation based in Reedsport is the local contractor for this estimated $4 million project.
The RockEd educational facility is also being built this summer. The Joe Merchep Umpqua River Foundation provided design work and raised funds for the project. GRC Contracting of Roseburg will build the facility that can be used by schools across the county.