SALEM, Ore. – On June 12-13 the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife invites you to pass along your love of fishing to a friend or family member during Free Fishing Weekend.
June 12-13 is Free Fishing Weekend and on those two days Oregonians won’t need a fishing or shellfish license to fish, crab or clam anywhere in the state. You also don’t need to buy any additional tags.
(But all other current fishing and shellfish regulations will still apply.)
“For the avid angler, Free Fishing Weekend is a great time to take your spouse, your kids or your best buddy on a fishing trip without having to buy licenses” said Rick Hargrave, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife deputy administrator for information/education. “For the beginning angler, it’s a great time to test the waters and give fishing a try.”
To help beginning anglers get started, ODFW and its partners are offering over 35 free fishing events throughout the state. At most events there will be free loaner equipment for novice anglers, special events for children, and lots of volunteers to help. For a complete list of events with times and locations, go to
“Even if you’ve never baited a hook, we can show you how to fish,” Hargrave said.
This year Free Fishing Weekend also corresponds with a series of negative tides on the Oregon Coast, making it the ideal weekend to try clamming for the first time.
A negative tide occurs when the water level on the beach is below the average low water line. During a negative tide, acres of additional beach are exposed and open for clam digging.
Free Fishing Weekend is always the first weekend after the first Monday in June. But remember, it’s always free fishing for kids under 14 years old.
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