THE DALLES, Ore. – A sport fishing season for spring chinook in the Hood River will begin April 15 under temporary rules adopted by the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife.
The river will be open from the mouth to Powerdale Dam (4.5 miles) for adipose fin-clipped chinook salmon from April 15 through June 30, 2010.
Biologists are expecting a strong return of hatchery origin fish to the Hood River, said Rod French, ODFW district fish biologist. The Hood River chinook fishery is popular with anglers because if offers a rare opportunity to land a Columbia River chinook from the bank.
The daily bag limits for the upcoming season will be:
- The catch limit for chinook salmon is two adipose fin-clipped adults and five adipose fin-clipped jacks per day.
- All salmon that have not been adipose fin-clipped must be released unharmed.
- All other catch limits, seasons and restrictions remain unchanged from those listed for Hood River in the 2010 Oregon Sport Fishing Regulations.
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