SALEM, Ore. – The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife is seeking public comment on a request to waive fish passage requirements on the Bull Run River – a waiver request triggered by a proposed Habitat Conservation Plan being developed by the City of Portland’s Water Bureau.
The City of Portland Water Bureau has requested the fish passage waiver and has proposed multiple mitigation measures to make up for the loss of passage on Bull Run River. The Oregon Fish and Wildlife Commission will be asked to approve the waiver at its June 4, 2010 meeting in Salem.
In the meantime, members of the public will have until April 13, 2010 to submit written comments on the proposed plan. The City’s fish passage waiver application, ODFW’s Net Benefit Analysis and the Draft Fish Passage Waiver Agreement are available at
Currently, the City’s municipal water supply system on the Bull Run River is a barrier to the upstream passage of native migratory fish. The City has developed a Habitat Conservation Plan, which triggered a state requirement to consider fish passage as a part of the plan.
The Commission can agree to waive the passage requirement on the Bull Run River if the City’s proposed mitigation measures would provide more benefit to native migratory fish.
ODFW has made an initial determination that City’s fish passage mitigation measures would result in a net benefit to native migratory fish.
Members of the public can send written comments to or request additional information from Greg Apke, ODFW Fish Passage Program leader, 3406 NE Cherry Ave. NE, Salem, OR 97303, e-mail,, or by calling (503) 947-6228.
There also will be an opportunity for public comment at the June Fish and Wildlife Commission meeting.
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