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Shooting range grant applications due by April 15
March 25, 2010


SALEM, Ore.—3D archery ranges in Albany and Toledo, a new trap machine at a sportsmen’s club in Hines and a shelter for a shotgun trap/skeet range in Eugene are examples of some 2009 projects funded with the help of federal shooting range grants.

Each year, ODFW distributes nearly $80,000 in federal grants to non-profit shooting ranges in Oregon to improve the facilities that teach the state’s next generation of hunters. Applications for 2010 grants are due by April 15, 2010.

Individual range grants average about $10,000. Their intent is to fund projects that encourage significant improvements, prioritize safety and environmental concerns, increase hours and accessibility and implement “good neighbor” improvements at shooting ranges.

“The main purpose of the shooting range grant program is to help facilities improve safety and other standards,” explains James Reed, ODFW hunter education coordinator. “Oregon needs these facilities to teach the next generation of hunters about firearms safety.”

“Shooting ranges play a critical role in introducing Oregonians to hunting and firearms safety,” said Tim Pitzer, Oregon State Shooting Association president. “These grants are a way to help them continue their work.”

Filling out the application is fairly simple. Applicants will need to describe the project’s purpose and history; design and techniques to be used; major project features and estimated construction dates. Facilities also need to estimate the type and amount of usage by various audiences (gun club members, hunter education classes, etc.).

Grant monies come from the Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration (Pittman-Robertson) Act, a federal excise tax on ammunition and firearms used for sport-hunting that funds wildlife restoration and hunter education across the United States.

To find out more and to download an application, visit the Shooting Range Development Grant website or contact ODFW Hunter Education Coordinator James Reed, (503) 947- 6016 or




James D Reed (503) 947-6016
Fax: (541) 947-6009

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