Vessels may possess and land Dungeness crab in an area that is otherwise closed to take of Dungeness crab for commercial purposes under all the following conditions:
- Vessel must possess and use an activated Vessel Monitoring System (VMS) that is
type-approved by the National Marine Fisheries Service Office of Law Enforcement or an activated Electronic Monitoring (EM) that transmits data to an EM provider no later than the end of each fishing trip. If using an EM system, the EM provider must receive transmissions and provide automated data access to the Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission (PSMFC) in a format consistent with PSMFC specifications. The vessel operator must ensure the EM system is the following:
- Maintained in good working order;
- Available for inspection by ODFW, OSP, or USCG;
- Not interfered with, disabled, or destroyed; and
- Operated according to service provider instructions and all service provider charges paid to ensure continuous operation of the EM system.
- The vessel’s VMS must transmit vessel location and speed at least every 60 minutes while transiting a closed area;
- The vessel must maintain continuous transit through the closed area until reaching the port of landing designated in their declaration to ODFW (see number 5 below);
- The vessel must register with ODFW at least 72 hours prior to entering a closed area. Vessels shall register by completing the online registration form below including all the information listed below (A-F). An emailed response will be sent acknowledging receipt of registration information and notice of any missing registration information that is required.
- Vessel name;
- Vessel captain name and phone number;
- Whether the vessel is using a NMFS type approved VMS or other EM system,
and if using an EM system, the make of such system;
- Port where crab will be landed;
- Wholesale fish dealer that crab will be delivered to;
- Number of trips anticipated where vessel will enter a closed area; and
- Requested start and end date of closed area transit registration.
- The vessel must make a per-trip declaration prior to each time the vessel enters a closed area. The declaration shall be made by completing the online form below or calling 541-857-2522 and leaving a message with the information listed below (A-D).
These voicemails will be maintained by ODFW as the record for each declaration.
- Vessel name;
- Estimated date and time the vessel will enter closed area;
- Estimated date and time the vessel will leave the closed area; and
- Any changes from registration information required in the initial closed area transit registration.
Closed Area Transit Allowance REGISTRATION Form
Closed Area Transit Allowance DECLARATION Form