Oregon Fish and Wildlife
John Seabourne, (503) 947-6207
August 10, 2021
CARES Act draft spend plan available for review; comment by Aug. 22
Second round of funding for Oregon marine and coastal fishery businesses impacted by COVID-19
SALEM, Ore.—ODFW has posted a draft of the proposed spend plan for the second round of Oregon distribution of federal CARES Act fisheries relief funding at
Marine and coastal fishery businesses who have experienced economic impacts from the COVID-19 pandemic are encouraged to review the draft and provide input.
About $13 million is available for Oregon’s marine and coastal fishery sectors experiencing significant economic impacts from the global COVID-19 pandemic. The relief aid slated for Oregon is part of $255 million in fisheries assistance funding from the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act). ODFW is the lead State agency working with fishery participants to coordinate aid.
The spend plan details how the distribution of these relief funds will be conducted in Oregon. The plan builds upon successful aspects of round one funding completed in January 2021, with adjustments to address identified gaps.
The plan must be approved by the National Marine Fisheries Service. Once approved, the Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission will manage the application process and distribute funds.
Comments on the plan should be sent to Comments received by Sunday, Aug. 22 will be reviewed and considered during finalization of the spend plan.
“We want to provide one more opportunity for Oregon businesses to comment on the draft plan before we submit a final version, and also realize that some may have missed our June public meeting,” said Chris Kern, ODFW Deputy Fish Division Administrator.
A recording and materials from the June 2021 online meeting are available one the ODFW CARES Act web page.