The Conservation and Recovery Plan for Oregon Steelhead Populations in the Middle Columbia River Steelhead Distinct Population Segment (Oregon Mid-Columbia plan) describes the population status and recovery plans for steelhead in the Fifteenmile Creek, Deschutes, John Day, Umatilla, and Walla Walla river subbasins. The plan addresses legal requirements for recovery planning under the U.S. Endangered Species Act (ESA) and under Oregon’s Native Fish Conservation Policy. Perhaps more importantly, in addition to meeting legal requirements, the plan provides an informed, strategic approach to recovery that is based on science, supported by stakeholders, built on existing efforts, and includes new recovery actions. The plan is linked to an adaptive management framework that will allow it to evolve over time with new information, including assessment of the recovery actions taken. Implementation of Oregon's conservation and recovery plan will require the contribution of federal, state, and local governments, tribes, and many organizations, groups, and citizens.
The Oregon Mid-Columbia plan also is a part of NOAA Fisheries Service’s bi-state plan for recovery of mid-Columbia steelhead populations in both Oregon and Washington. The NOAA plan includes the Oregon plan as well similar plans developed in Washington state for other steelhead populations. The final bi-state recovery plan adopted in September 2009 can be viewed at the NOAA website.
The Oregon Fish and Wildlife Commission provided comments on the Oregon Mid-Columbia plan at its November 14, 2008 meeting in Salem and approved it at its February 5, 2010 meeting. Extensive public review and plan revision occurred between these meetings.
Species/Units covered
- Steelhead (Mid-Columbia River DPS, Oregon Portion)
Adrienne Averett
Eastside Implementation Coordinator
Implementation Team Toolbox |
OR Mid-C Steelhead Implementation Reports
- 2010 – 2016 Implementation Progress Report (pdf files)
This report summarizes the first seven years, 2010-2016, of implementing Oregon’s Middle Columbia Steelhead Conservation and Recovery Plan. The report describes: population viability status and trends, management action highlights, key findings from research and monitoring, recovery gaps and emerging issues, and high priority, near-term (through 2022) management and monitoring recommendations for improving summer steelhead survival and persistence.
Implementation Toolkit
Population-Specific Implementation Summary Spreadsheets
- Cascades Eastern Slope Tributaries MPG (xls)
- John Day River MPG
- Umatilla/Walla Walla Rivers MPG
OR Mid C Implementation Team Meeting, November 4, 2010 (pdfs)
Mid C DPS Bi-State Forum Meeting, June 6, 2011 (pdfs)
Middle Columbia Wild Adult Steelhead Tributary Bypass Workshop |