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Recent Diamond Lake Fish Stocking History and Angler Success

Fish Stocking Strategy

  • Diamond Lake’s fish stocking has fluctuated from a high of 346,000 fingerlings in 2009 to a low of 166,000 in 2012. The reductions were made to try to balance the lake’s fishery and ecosystem according to our Diamond Lake Management Plan.

  • 2010: algae blooms began occurring again, and ODFW creel data showed that up to a third of the fish caught were released back into the lake. A stocking model was also being used to avoid overstocking the lake.

  • 2013: it was noted the fish stocking model was not accounting for natural mortality of trout in the lake – surplus trout was over-estimated, and in late July, creel confirmed angling was poor. Since there were fewer surplus trout than expected, ODFW immediately stocked 16,000 legal-sized trout. In November, 20,000 sub-legal-sized trout were stocked.

  • 2014: ODFW began a stabilized stocking of 300,000 rainbow trout fingerlings per year.

  • 2015: ODFW added 3,500 trophy trout and 3,000 legal trout in addition to the 300,000 fingerlings.

  • 2016: in addition to the 300,000 rainbow trout fingerlings, ODFW stocked 5,000 sterile tiger trout in the six to seven-inch range, and 13,000 sterile tiger trout fingerlings. Stocking of brown and tiger trout is a management strategy to help control invasive tui chub and golden shiners.

  • 2017: stocked 20,000 sterile tiger trout in the six to seven-inch range.

  • 2018: stocked 15,000 sterile tiger trout and 10,000 sterile brown trout in the six to seven-inch range. Brown trout stocking was added to increase predation on invasive tui chub and golden shiners.

  • 2019: stocked 15,000 sterile tiger trout and 5,500 sterile brown trout in the six to seven-inch range.

  • 2020: stocked 15,000 sterile tiger trout and 21,000 sterile brown trout in the five to six-inch range.

  • 2021: stocked 16,000 sterile tiger, but no browns due to losses incurred by wildfires.

  • 2022: stocked 10,500 sterile tiger and 5,600 sterile brown trout.

  • 2023: stocked 19,200 sterile tiger and 20,600 sterile brown trout.

Rainbow Trout Caught / Angler by Year

  • 2023: 1.43
  • 2022: 1.41
  • 2021: 1.84
  • 2020: 2.26
  • 2019: 2.47
  • 2018:3.43
  • 2017: 2.70
  • 2016: 2.33
  • 2015: 1.18
Angler Success

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