The Oregon Hatchery Research Center welcomes Dr. Seth White as its new Director. Visit our staff page to learn more about Dr. White and the OHRC team. |
The Oregon Hatchery Research Center (OHRC) is a cooperative research project between the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife and the Oregon State University Department of Fisheries and Wildlife. It is a unique facility specifically designed to support both basic and applied research into the mechanisms that may create differences between wild and hatchery fish, and ways to better manage these differences to meet fishery and conservation objectives.
Research facilities include four artificial stream channels that simulate actual stream conditions, four concrete raceways, a tank farm comprised of 44 fiberglass tanks, an analytical lab, and a compete wet lab with heated, chilled, filtered and UV-treated water. The facilities have attracted scientists from as far way as Iceland, Japan and Korea, all of whom are studying topics related to the Center’s core Mission.
OHRC research is vital to the success of the Oregon Plan for Salmon and Watersheds and implementation of the Native Fish Conservation Policy, by informing hatchery management that better supports angler opportunity and wild fish conservation.
The center is also charged with helping Oregonians understand the role and performance of hatcheries in responsibly using and protecting Oregon’s native fishes.