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Restoration and Enhancement

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2015 Restoration and Enhancement Projects

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Cycle Project# Project Name (pdfs) Type Status Request Amount
15-05 15-037 Youth Angling and Acclimation Pond - Camp Sherman Opportunity Tabled from 15-04 $376,063.00
15-05 15-050 Umpqua Stealhead Juveniles Pathogen Free H2O Hatchery Maintenance Received $60,000.00
15-05 15-051 Leaburg Hatchery Fish Liberation Truck Liberation Received $113,000.00
15-05 15-052 ODFW John Day Watershed Fish Management Equipment Liberation Received $11,000.00
15-05 15-053 Elk River Hatchery Maintenance Hatchery Maintenance Received $116,262.00
15-05 15-054 Sherars Falls High Water Ladder Improvement Passage Restoration Received $41,790.00
15-05 15-055 Cedaroak Boat Ramp Reconstruction Project Access Received $300,000.00
15-05 15-056 Illinois Falls Fishway Restoration Passage Restoration Received $117,648.00
15-05 15-057 Chinook Spawner Distribution & Success: S Fk McKenzie Monitoring Received $26,914.00
15-05 15-058 Database for Forecasting Coastal Chinook Salmon Monitoring Received $40,000.00
15-05 15-060 Dillon Alt. Irrigation Pipeline Construction Passage Restoration Received $179,700.00
15-05 15-061 Grande Ronde Watershed Monitoring Equipment Monitoring Received $11,250.00
15-05 15-062 Trail Bridge Res Area Informational Angler Sign Education  Received $9,900.00
15-05 15-063 New River - Floras Creek Instream Wood Habitat Received $42,400.00
15-05 15-064 Wilsonville Pond Access Improvements Access Received $9,292.00
15-05 15-065 Jessen Pond Angling Enhancement Access Received $38,913.00
15-05 15-066 Comparison of trout stocks--Howard Prairie Monitoring Received $4,500.00
15-05 15-067 John Day Fish Screen and Passage Program Excavator Misc. Restoration Received $90,000.00
Cycle Project# Project Name (pdfs) Type Status Request Amount
15-04 15-037 Youth Angling and Acclimation Pond - Camp Sherman Opportunity Received $465,278.00
15-04 15-038 Chum Salmon spawning distribution Monitoring Received $12,000.00
15-04 15-039 Florence STEP Angler Education Trailer Education  Received $7,926.00
15-04 15-040 Mapes Creek Culvert Replacement Passage Received $50,000.00
15-04 15-041 Salmonberry River Macroinvertebrate Monitoring Monitoring Received $7,615.00
15-04 15-042 Stulls Falls Passage Improvement Project Passage Improvement Received $28,773.00
15-04 15-043 Vernonia Pond Pump Replacement Opportunity Received $51,000.00
15-04 15-044 Phillips Reservoir Monitoring and Evaluation Monitoring Received $2,250.00
15-04 15-045 Lower Marlow Creek Instream & Riparian Restoration Habitat Restoration Received $16,500.00
15-04 15-046 Rearing Pond Outlet Structure Replacement Hatchery Maintenance Received $66,000.00
15-04 15-047 Dart Creek Fish Passage Correction Passage Received $50,000.00
15-04 15-048 Cascade Lakes Creel Survey (Phase II) Monitoring Received $21,828.00
15-04 15-049 Turtle Flats Confluence Channel Restoration-Phase2 Habitat Restoration Received $200,000.00
Cycle Project# Project Name (pdfs) Type Status Request Amount
15-03 15-026 Cedar Creek Hatchery Raceways Hatchery Maintenance Recommended $549,701.00
15-03 15-027 Dock and Net Pens Hatchery Maintenance Recommended $18,065.00
15-03 15-028 East Fork River Millicoma Oxbow Reconnection Habitat Restoration Recommended $150,000.00
15-03 15-029 Elk Creek RM 5.6 High Flow Habitat Enhancement Habitat Restoration Recommended $9,240.00
15-03 15-030 Fish liberation truck Liberation Recommended $120,000.00
15-03 15-031 Ice Machine Winchester Bay Access On hold $82,100.00
15-03 15-032 Jetty Creek Fish Passage Passage Recommended $53,937.00
15-03 15-033 Parking Lot Improvements Access Withdrawn $0
15-03 15-034 Thief Valley Reservoir Dock Replacement Access Recommended $20,250.00
15-03 15-035 Wallowa Hatchery Trout Pond Restoration Hatchery Maintenance Recommended $50,000.00
15-03 15-036 Woodward Creek Instream Restoration Habitat Restoration Recommended $38,121.00
15-03 15-037 Youth Angling and Acclimation Pond - Camp Opportunity On hold $218,400.00
Cycle Project# Project Name (pdfs) Type Status Request Amount
15-02 15-006 Alsea River Missouri Bend Park Boat Slide Repair Access Approved $6,250.00
15-02 15-007 Pleasant Valley Park Boat Ramp Parking Improvement Access Approved $23,130.00
15-02 15-008 West Fork Millicoma River Habitat Restoration Habitat Restoration Approved $52,820.00
15-02 15-009 ODFW Wizard Falls and Clackamas Hatchery Bundle Hatchery Maintenance Approved $607,630.00
15-02 15-010 Coastal Wild Coho Fisheries Monitoring-2015 Opportunity Approved $61,250.00
15-02 15-011 2015 NE Oregon Rotenone Treatments Opportunity Approved $10,675.00
15-02 15-012 Long Creek Reservoir Spillway Replacement Opportunity Approved $6,200.00
15-02 15-013 Alsea River Winter Steelhead Research Project Monitoring Approved $39,000.00
15-02 15-014 Whetstone Pond Access Project Access Approved $57,300.00
15-02 15-015 North Coast Access Site Maintenance Access Approved $11,000.00
15-02 15-016 Cape Meares Lake Outlet Repair Opportunity Approved $40,000.00
15-02 15-017 N. FK. Nehalem R. StW Enhancement Project Monitoring Approved $23,460.00
15-02 15-018 Camp Creek Whole Watershed Restoration Phase III Habitat Restoration Approved $82,500.00
15-02 15-019 Coquille Fish Station Grant Upgrade Access Recommended $12,904.00
15-02 15-020 Rock and Anvil Creeks Salmon Weirs 2015 Monitoring Approved $59,900.00
15-02 15-021 Auto Fish Dual Sorter Upgrade #2 Liberation Approved $44,900.00
15-02 15-022 Forest Lake Restoration Habitat Restoration Approved $16,921.00
15-02 15-023 Clackamas River Confluence Restoration Project Habitat Restoration Withdrawn $0
15-02 15-024 Molalla River Spring Chinook Monitoring Program Monitoring Withdrawn $0
15-02 15-025 Willamette Falls Fishway Exit Trashrack Repairs Passage Restoration Approved $186,000.00
Cycle Project# Project Name (pdfs) Type Status Request Amount
15-01 15-001 Sandy River Mainstem Floodplain Reconnection Habitat Approved $27,800.00
15-01 15-002 Turtle Flats Confluence Channel Restoration-Ph. I Habitat Approved $30,000.00
15-01 15-003 Jim Hunt Bar Rest'n 2015 Passage Approved $16,603.00
15-01 15-004 Deschutes Fish Passage Project (part 2) Passage Approved $200,000.00
15-01 15-005 North Twin Rotenone - Brown Bullhead Removal (part 2) Miscellaneous (Enhancement) Approved $265,333.00



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