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Fish Screening

Priority Unscreened Diversion Inventory, February, 2013

Prepared By: Pete Baki

There are now over 55,000 surface water rights in Oregon, many of which were authorized without a fish screening requirement. The impact of unscreened diversions, particularly on young, small, salmon and steelhead migrating downstream can be significant. Several monitored fish screening/trap designs in Oregon and elsewhere in the Pacific Northwest have shown that thousands of young salmonids can be lost in a single unscreened diversion in one season. Given that few of these water rights are required to have fish screening, voluntary cooperation from water users is of critical importance to protecting native fish at these diversions.

In 1989, the Oregon Legislature passed Senate Bill 148 (ORS §498.326) which required the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW) to determine the needs for and location of potential fish screening projects. Further direction in ORS §498.306 requires ODFW to identify 3,500 priority unscreened diversions. An initial report of priority unscreened diversion was released in 1990 (An Inventory of Water Diversions in Oregon Needing Fish Screens – prepared by David Nichols, ODFW, 1990). In working with the Fish Screening Task Force, it was determined that a new updated unscreened diversion inventory was needed. This has resulted in the document provided here, which has been separated into section to allow easier downloading.

The presence of diversions on this list does not change any water right requirements of these diversions.

Table of Contents

Document text: Background, Methods and Database Limitations

Appendix A

ORS §498.306 9 (pdf)

Appendix B – Figures (pdfs)

Figure 1. Oregon Surface Water Points of Diversion (Excludes Instream Rights) (22.21 mb)
Figure 2. Oregon Water Resource Department Drainage Basins (13.37 mb)
Figure 3. North Coast Drainage Basin Priority Unscreened Diversions (10.86 mb)
Figure 4. Willamette Priority Unscreened Diversions (12.36 mb)
Figure 5. Sandy Priority Unscreened Diversions (12.09 mb)
Figure 6. Hood Priority Unscreened Diversions (12.98 mb)
Figure 7. Deschutes Priority Unscreened Diversions (14.41 mb)
Figure 8. John Day Priority Unscreened Diversions (12.42 mb)
Figure 9. Umatilla Priority Unscreened Diversions (12.43 mb)
Figure 10. Grande Ronde Priority Unscreened Diversions (13.06 mb)
Figure 11. Powder Priority Unscreened Diversions (11.27 mb)
Figure 12. Malheur Priority Unscreened Diversions (10.10 mb)
Figure 13. Owyhee Priority Unscreened Diversions (9.87 mb)
Figure 14. Malheur Lake Priority Unscreened Diversions (11.29 mb)
Figure 15. Goose and Summer Lakes Priority Unscreened Diversions (8.24 mb)
Figure 16. Klamath Priority Unscreened Diversions (11.82 mb)
Figure 17. Rogue Priority Unscreened Diversions (12.10 mb)
Figure 18. Umpqua Priority Unscreened Diversions (11 mb)
Figure 19. South Coast Priority Unscreened Diversions (9.72 mb)
Figure 20. Mid Coast Priority Unscreened Diversions (8.83 mb)
Figure 21. All Oregon Priority Unscreened Diversions (15.13 mb)

Appendix C (pdfs)

Key to Priority Unscreened Diversion Inventory Point of Diversion List
Priority Unscreened Diversion Inventory Point of Diversion List

Appendix D (pdfs)

Priority Unscreened Diversion Inventory List by OWRD Basin

North Coast
John Day
Grande Ronde
Malheur Lake
Goose and Summer Lakes
South Coast
Mid Coast


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