Project Proponent: Greenbelt Land Trust
Year Acquired: 2013
Conservation Values Protected: This property protects conservation values such as native Willamette valley oak savanna, oak woodland, riparian forest, shrub land, and wet areas that are biologically and structurally diverse. The property also contains approximately 1 mile of Mulkey Creek and unnamed tributaries to Newton Creek. Existing habitats support the following Oregon conservation strategy species: acorn woodpecker, Oregon vesper sparrow, white-breasted nuthatch, western bluebird, western gray squirrel, Kincaid's lupine, Willamette daisy, and Nelson's checkermallow. The property’s diverse habitat types and species, its large size, and its location near other conservation properties are of landscape-scale importance. Other conservation values also include its scenic resource of open space, and its location within a priority conservation landscape identified by Benton County's Prairie Conservation Strategy (2010) and Prairie Species Habitat Conservation Plan (2010). The site is also in the Corvallis West Recovery Zone, identified by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's Recovery Plan for Prairie Species of Western Oregon and Southwestern Washington (2010). This site also protects some characteristics of a working farm landscape.
Acres: 482.8
Access: Open to the Public
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