Project Proponent: Clackamas SWCD
Year Acquired: 2018
Conservation Values Protected: This property protects conservation values such as latesuccessional conifer forest, including both groves and scattered individuals of old growth conifer trees (some more than 8 feet in diameter); flowing streams (namely portions of Milk and Nate creeks) riparian forest; and oak woodlands. This property also protects important ecological and social attributes, including providing open space and scenic value within the rapidly growing greater Portland metropolitan area. These protected habitats provide refugia to the following Oregon conservation strategy species: winter steelhead, coho Salmon, coastal cutthroat trout, Oregon chub, Northern red-Legged Frog, Pacific giant Salamander, gray fox, a variety of native bats, woodpeckers, and a wide variety of other resident and migratory birds.
Acres: 181.3
Access: Not open to the public, scheduled tours only
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