Project Proponent: Bonneville Power Administration
Year Acquired: 2008
Conservation Values Protected: This property promotes an economically viable sustainable working forest operation model of land conservation by restricting uses to those that meet (1) the Forest Stewardship Council's ("FSC") revised Final Pacific Coast (USA) Regional Forest Stewardship Standard (Version 9 0) as adopted by the Zena Management Plan and (2) thus maintain the Property's FSC certification.
The property is located in the Yamhill River Watershed. Conservation of the property protects ground water infiltration and helps maintains base flows for fish listed for federal protection under the Endangered Species Act, such as steelhead in Rickreall Creek. The property also protects four high priority ecological systems as identified in the Willamette Subbasin Plan (as adopted by the Council in December 2004) oak woodland; upland prairie/savanna/rock outcrops; perennial riparian areas; and old growth conifer. The forest also provides habitat for Fender's blue butterfly, acorn woodpecker, purple martin, white-breasted nuthatch, Western bluebird, Oregon vesper sparrow, and Western gray squirrel.
Acres Protected: 1,797
Access: Not open to the public
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