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ODFW Willamette Wildlife Mitigation Program

Finn Rock Reach

About Finn Rock Reach:

Project Proponent: McKenzie River Trust

Year Acquired: 2017

Conservation Values Protected: This conservation easement protects riparian forest, floodplain, and side channel habitat important to ESA-listed fish species. Significant tracts of riparian forest hosting several miles of McKenzie River side channel downstream from its confluence with Elk Creek and two miles of McKenzie River front provide refuge for a wide diversity of aquatic, avian, plant, and terrestrial species. Finn Rock provides native habitat to Oregon Conservation Strategy species and federal Species of Concern that include but are not limited to Chinook salmon, bull trout, Pacific lamprey, and western pond turtles. Finn Rock includes property within and to both sides of the McKenzie River.

The river side channels on the Finn Rock site are a mix of cobble and gravel substrate, fed both by direct connection to the McKenzie River and provide cold water refuge for many salmonid species during the summer. Ponds and pools are scattered throughout the braided side channels and emergent wetlands, which provide additional instream summer habitat and refuge for young salmonids during the high winter flows. The mature mixed riparian and floodplain forests contain good stands of black cottonwood, big leaf maple, ash, and red alder. These forests provide shading to aquatic habitats and are a source of large wood for instream habitat. They also provide nesting and rearing habitat for birds and mammal species. Steep sloped upland hillsides contain Douglas fir, dominated mixed conifer forest. This forest provides an upland buffer to the high quality riparian and floodplain forests found below, enhancing wildlife habitat and water quality benefits as the forest matures. This site also provides important public access and recreation values important to the people of western Lane County and all Oregonians.

The purpose of this conservation easement is to protect riparian forest, floodplain, and side channel habitat important to ESA-listed fish species. Significant tracts of riparian forest hosting several miles of McKenzie River side channel downstream from its confluence with Elk Creek and two miles of McKenzie River front provide refuge for a wide diversity of aquatic, avian, plant, and terrestrial species. Finn Rock provides native habitat to Oregon Conservation Strategy species and federal Species of Concern that include but are not limited to Chinook salmon, bull trout, Pacific lamprey, and western pond turtles. Finn Rock includes property within and to both sides of the McKenzie River.

The river side channels on the Finn Rock site are a mix of cobble and gravel substrate, fed both by direct connection to the McKenzie River and provide cold water refuge for many salmonid species during the summer. Ponds and pools are scattered throughout the braided side channels and emergent wetlands, which provide additional instream summer habitat and refuge for young salmonids during the high winter flows. The mature mixed riparian and floodplain forests contain good stands of black cottonwood, big leaf maple, ash, and red alder. These forests provide shading to aquatic habitats and are a source of large wood for instream habitat. They also provide nesting and rearing habitat for birds and mammal species. Steep sloped upland hillsides contain Douglas fir, dominated mixed conifer forest. This forest provides an upland buffer to the high quality riparian and floodplain forests found below, enhancing wildlife habitat and water quality benefits as the forest matures. This site also provides important public access and recreation values important to the people of western Lane County and all Oregonians.

Acres Protected: 278

Access: Not open to the public, scheduled tours only

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Willamette Wildlife Mitigation Program Contact List (pdf)
ODFW Wildlife and Fish Biologist Contact List (pdf)

For more information

Contact Laura Tesler, Willamette Wildlife Mitigation Program Coordinator,



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