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ODFW Willamette Wildlife Mitigation Program

Flight's End

About Flight's End:

Project Proponent: Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife

Year Acquired: 2013

Conservation Values Protected: This conservation easement protects habitats found historically throughout the Willamette Valley including wetlands and riparian forests which provide habitat for a host of fish and wildlife species. These habitats include a number of important habitat types including wetlands, grasslands, riparian forests, and lake. The wetland habitats that occur includes patches of wapato and other native species important for waterfowl and other wildlife. Bordering the entire property are extensive riparian forests dominated by large, mature Oregon ash with scattered black cottonwood, Pacific willow and black hawthorne. The understory of the riparian forest includes native shrub species such as Douglas spiraea and snowberry, which provide cover, food and breeding habitat for birds and other wildlife. Wildlife species documented to occur at the site include migrating waterfowl (dusky Canada goose, pintail, green-winged teal), neotropical migratory songbirds (common yellowthroat, Western peewee, Willow flycatcher) raptors (bald eagle, osprey), amphibians (Northern red-legged frog) and many other species. The Multnomah channel borders Flight’s End to the west, and is considered to be a priority habitat for restoration for ESA listed salmonid species such as Chinook, coho, steelhead, and Pacific lamprey under the Willamette Biological Opinion, and as identified for Willamette River Anchor Habitat.

Acres Protected: 100

Access: Open to the public

Contact us

Willamette Wildlife Mitigation Program Contact List (pdf)
ODFW Wildlife and Fish Biologist Contact List (pdf)

For more information

Contact Laura Tesler, Willamette Wildlife Mitigation Program Coordinator,



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