Conservation Values Protected: This property protects important native habitat types that include, but are not limited to, mixed woodland, oak savanna, and wet and upland prairie. One of the three existing mixed woodland forests along the easternmost edge of the property is heavily vegetated and sits atop a 100-foot-high bluff comprising the west bank of the Willamette River. The whole site is designated part of the Willamette River Greenway. Big leaf maple dominates the existing canopy species, with some Douglas fir, Oregon white oak, and black cottonwood. Existing mid and ground-level species include elderberry, hazel, Douglas fir, ponderosa pine, Indian plum, rose, snowberry, Oregon white oak, Oregon iris, sword fern, and thimbleberry. The wet and upland prairie habitats include some native grasses such as tufted hairgrass and the wetlands contain native Oregon ash, willow, cattails, and open-water seasonal ponds. These habitat types currently provide habitat for wildlife, such as black tailed deer, and resident and migratory bird species, such as red-tailed hawks, great blue herons, turkey vultures, red-winged blackbirds, scrub jays, and substantial numbers of waterfowl (e.g., mallards and cinnamon teal) during fall, winter, and spring.
The property also protects the scenic resources resulting from its particular location and view from a rare and high bluff overlooking the Willamette River and its confluence with the Luckiamute and Santiam Rivers. The property is part of a major aggregation of conservation or buffered lands along the nearby confluence of the Willamette, Luckiamute, and Santiam Rivers that includes Ankeny National Wildlife Refuge (1765 acres), Luckiamute Natural Area (918 acres), E.E. Wilson Wildlife Area (1600+ acres), and Camp Adair (600 acres), which together provide a federal, State and private-owned conservation zone that includes 4-5 river miles of the mainstem Willamette. This confluence site has high ecological value due to the complex terrestrial and aquatic habitats created by convergence of three different rivers that originate from both the Cascades and Coast Ranges.
Acres Protected: 73.6
Access: Not open to the public
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