This document is intended to provide background on vector control practices and treatments and recommend treatment protocols for mosquito abatement on sensitive areas in Oregon to Vector Control Districts (VCDs) and Counties performing vector control activities. As recognized in this guidance, pesticides used for vector control have already been approved by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as not having unreasonable adverse effects on humans, the environment and non-target species when used according to product labels. However, the use of pesticides in natural habitats is a concern for ODFW, as even low concentrations of pesticides may have the potential to directly and indirectly affect fish, wildlife and their habitats. Impacts to the food web and changes to the ecosystem over time are of special concern, as well as disturbance to wildlife as a result of frequent surveillance or treatments. Therefore, this Guidance Document outlines ODFW’s recommended treatment protocol for sensitive areas of the State in order to provide protections for ODFW’s statutory mandates. As a result, ODFW encourages least harmful alternatives for vector control as part of an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Plan while recognizing that, given a disease outbreak, additional means of control may be used to contain it and prevent any escalated harm to human health.
Sensitive Area Guidance (pdf)
Sensitive Area Maps
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