Flatfish | Rockfish | Salmon and trout species | Sharks, rays, and skates | Surfperch species | Tunas and mackerel | Miscellaneous marine species | "Baitfish" guide
1.a. Upper jaw spearlike, but flattened. Base of first dorsal fin extends less than one fifth of the body length and does not reach the anal fin. Single keel at base of tail. No pelvic fins - Swordfish (Xiphias gladius) (4.6 m / 15 ft) - rare
1.b. Upper jaw spearlike. Base of first dorsal fin long and extends past the anal fin. Two keels at base of tail. Pelvic fins present - Striped Marlin (Tetrapturus audax) (4.1 m / 13.6 ft) - rare
Justine Kenyon-Benson - Assistant Project Leader
E-mail: Justine.Kenyon-Benson@odfw.oregon.gov
Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife
2040 SE Marine Science Drive
Newport, Oregon 97365
(541) 867-4741