Raja binoculata
Description |
Body flattened with large pectoral fins expanded
laterally and separated from the head by a deep notch. The
notches, behind and on each side of the head, contain gill
openings. The two dorsal fins are located far back on the
body and near the caudal fin (tail). The head is blunt with
a wide terminal mouth. Nostrils and barbels are found at
the front part of the head. Grayish brown above with dark
spots on back. White below. |
Size |
to 1.5 m (5 ft.) |
Range/Habitat |
SE Alaska to Chile and Gulf of California, but uncommon
north of CA. Near reefs over sand or mud. |
Depth |
30 - 340 fm. |
Remarks |
10 - 600 ft. but usually inside 300 feet off
California. |
Credits |
Picture: Bill Barss, ODFW; Texts Love, Probably more than you want to know about the
fishers of the Pacific coast. And Peterson Field Guide to
Pacific Coast Fishes. |
Bathyraja trachura
Description |
No large disc spines. Softnosed, short snout, broadly
triangular. Black to dark slate-gray or brown on both surfaces, but sometimes slightly lighter below. |
Size |
To 89 cm. (35 in.). |
Range/Habitat |
Bering Sea south to Baja. |
Depth |
400 - 1090 fm. |
Remarks |
Similar to California skate and Starry skate which are
hardnoses, have large spines on back, and pale
underneath. |
Other common names |
Roughtail Skate |
Credits |
Picture: Bill Barss, ODFW.
Text: Peterson Field Guide to Pacific Coast Fishes |
Raja rhina

Description |
Extremely long, acutely pointed snout. Front edge of
discs curve inward. Pelvic fins deeply notched. Dark brown
above, with two dark eyespots; sometimes has faint light and
dark spots. Bluish, gray, black, or light brown below. |
Size |
To 137 cm. (4.5 ft.) |
Range/Habitat |
Southeast Alaska to central Baja |
Depth |
30 - 340 fm. |
Remarks |
Similar to the Deepsea Skate which also has a long snout
and deeply notched pelvic fins but lacks orbital spines and
has a flabby snout. |
Credits |
Picture: OSU submersible cruise.
Text: Peterson Field Guide to Pacific Coast Fishes |
Bathyraja kincaidii
Description |
Scapular spines but no orbital ones; middorsal spines
continuous from nape to 1st dorsal fin or isloated groups at
nape, midback, and on tail. Snout is short, soft and
triangular. Dorsal surface is rough. |
Size |
To 86 cm. (almost 3 ft). |
Range/Habitat |
Alaska to southern California. |
Depth |
On bottom at 30 - 700 fm. |
Remarks |
Egg case rough with strong side keels and long horns. |
Credits |
Picture: Bill Barss, ODFW.
Text: Peterson Field Guide to Pacific Coast Fishes. |