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Commercial and recreational marine fisheries

Commercial Shellfishing

ODA shellfish toxin closures

Bay clam dive fishery

This fishery has a limited entry permit. This permit is designated as either an individual or a vessel permit. If the permit is attached to an individual, that individual would need an individual commercial fishing license and would be able to use any boat but only that person would be able to fish under that permit. If the permit is attached to a vessel, others would be able to use that permit while diving off that boat if they have their individual commercial fishing license.

This permit requires a commercial dive logbook that must be filled out prior to each landing. These pages must be submitted to ODFW within 10 days following the month of harvest.

In order to renew the permit, five landings of at least 100 pounds each or an annual total of 2,500 pounds of bay clams using dive gear must be landed in Oregon in the prior calendar year. Permit must be renewed by January 31 of permit year.

There are annual catch limits in Tillamook and Yaquina bays and when landings are rapidly approaching or have reached an annual landing limit for any specific species, ODFW will close that specific fishery for the remainder of the calendar year. In Tillamook Bay, the annual landing limits for clams harvested by the bay clam dive fishery are 110,000 pounds for cockles, 260,000 pounds for butter clams and 260,000 pounds for gaper clams. In Yaquina Bay, the annual landing limits for gaper clams in 20,000 pounds.

Additional license requirements for animals harvested for human consumption are available through Oregon Department of Agriculture (ODA) at 503-986-4720.

For a complete listing of season, area and size restrictions, visit:

Oregon commercial fisheries regulations synopsis
Oregon Administrative Rules (OARS)

Advisory Panel

In 2019, Senate Bill 1025 directed ODFW to form a Tillamook Bay Clam Advisory Committee (TBCAC) that would consider issues and make recommendations pertaining to bay clam management. The ODFW Shellfish Program facilitates TBCAC meetings and helps the Committee identify and articulate recommendations the Department will consider for the management of commercial and recreational bay clam fisheries. To learn more about the committee, visit the Tillamook Bay Calm Advisory Committee page.

Industry Notices (pdfs)

Notice to Industry 10-8-24

Netarts Clam Industry Notice 07-16-24

Notice to Industry 2-20-24

For inquiries about bay clam dive

Mitch Vance

Eric Anderson


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