California sea lion feeding on a salmon near Powerhouse 2 at Bonneville Dam, May 2005. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has documented approximately 100 California Sea Lions annually consuming an average of 3,000 spring chinook salmon and steelhead at Bonneville Dam since 2003. |
California sea lions near Powerhouse 2 at Bonneville Dam, May 2005. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has documented approximately 100 California Sea Lions annually consuming an average of 3,000 spring chinook salmon
and steelhead at Bonneville Dam since 2003. |
California sea lion feeding on a chinook salmon near Bonneville Dam tailrace, April 2004. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has documented approximately 100 California sea lions annually consuming an average of 3,000 spring
chinook salmon and steelhead at Bonneville Dam since 2003. |
California sea lion taking a chinook salmon near Bonneville Dam tailrace, April 2004. |