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Rogue River Conservation Plans

In 2007, the Oregon Fish and Wildlife Commission adopted the Rogue River Spring Chinook Conservation Plan (pdf). The plan sets conservation criteria and desired status goals for wild spring chinook, and defines the management strategies to reach desired status goals. Much work has been done by ODFW field staff in support of the plan.

In January 2013, the Oregon Fish and Wildlife Commission adopted the Rogue Fall Chinook SMU Conservation Plan (pdf). The plan sets conservation criteria and desired status goals for wild fall Chinook in the Rogue River, and five coastal watersheds south of Elk River, and defines the management strategies to reach desired status goals.

The Rogue–South Coast Multi-Species Conservation and Management Plan (RSP) was developed to guide management of steelhead, coho salmon, and cutthroat trout in coastal watersheds of southwest Oregon from the Elk River south to the Winchuck River, including the Rogue Basin. The RSP was approved by the Oregon Fish and Wildlife Commission on December 17, 2021. New regulations associated with winter steelhead fishing were part of this process.

All of ODFW’s conservation plans






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