ODFW revised statewide Fish Passage Barrier Priority List
ODFW has developed an update to the Statewide Fish Passage Barrier Priority List (Priority List), which occurs every five years. This Priority List identifies the most critical manmade barriers to fish passage in the state and ranks them based on the amount of habitat quality and quantity blocked, current level of passage, number of species blocked and other factors. This list is used to help direct enforcement and restoration efforts throughout Oregon. During this update, the methods for ranking the barriers on the list were updated to include two new factors to consider climate change in the methods for scoring. The new climate change variables include one factor for barriers that block access to current cold-water habitat and one factor that accounts for predicted changes in thermal suitability.
Public Comment Period from November 7 to November 28, 2024
ODFW held a public comment period in November of 2024. Below are links to the draft list, draft methods paper for review, the news release, and public comments received during that period.
Previous Public Comment Period from July 5 to July 31, 2023
The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW) began the update to the Statewide Fish Passage Barrier Priority List in 2023. This update intended to enhance accuracy and effectiveness of fish passage restoration at priority projects across the state of Oregon. A key feature of the update was to consider how to incorporate the effects of future climate change into the scoring methods. Below is the news release and public comments received during the 2023 public comment period.