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ODFW Willamette Wildlife Mitigation Program

masonville reserve

About Masonville Reserve:

Project Proponent: Yamhill Soil and Water Conservation District

Year Acquired: 2008

Conservation Values Protected: The property supports a mix of oak woodland, prairie, and coniferous forest important in maintaining healthy and viable populations of native plants and wildlife. The property's habitats help to support a viable population of Fender's blue butterfly, nectar species used by the adult Fender's Blue butterfly and its larval host plant, Kincaid's lupine, both listed under the federal Endangered Species Act. Oak savanna, which is limited to the lowland prairies of the property, and oak woodland on the Property are part of a large block of habitat that is important for a variety of declining native plant and wildlife species. Native prairie, savanna and woodland habitats on the property provide suitable habitat for many migratory and resident bird species of concern such as the Acorn woodpecker and White-breasted nuthatch, as well as characteristic flora of the Willamette Valley.

Acres Protected: 310

Access: Not open to the public

Contact us

Willamette Wildlife Mitigation Program Contact List (pdf)
ODFW Wildlife and Fish Biologist Contact List (pdf)

For more information

Contact Laura Tesler, Willamette Wildlife Mitigation Program Coordinator,



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