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Commercial Nearshore Advisory Panel

The CNAP was established in 2010 and consists of members that represent the diversity of industry participants (e.g., permit type, home port, fishery interest).


The purpose of the CNAP is to provide ODFW with information and industry perspective on the effectiveness and impacts of existing and proposed fishery management measures, in-season changes, current fishery and market conditions, and emerging issues that may need to be addressed. We expect the need for an advisory panel to continue for the foreseeable future.

Meeting schedule

2024 Meetings Location Agenda & Materials (pdfs) Meeting Summary (pdf)
June 5 Virtual

Meeting Presentation

Meeting Summary
April 2 Virtual

Meeting Presentation
Black Rockfish Stock Assessment Summary

Meeting Summary


  • Members are expected to represent perspectives of participants who are similarly situated in the fishery, not limited to their own viewpoint. This means reaching out to contacts with similar fishing areas, gear, markets, and/or permit type to get broader input and sharing that with the panel. Members are expected to be courteous, professional, and respectful of all attendees at CNAP meetings. Member names and affiliation will be posted on the ODFW website.
  • Meetings of the CNAP will be public and will be announced in advance on the ODFW website. Priority will be given to discussion with members, with a brief opportunity for input from the general public at the end of each meeting, if time allows.
  • Meetings will be held at least annually, with additional meetings as needed. In-person attendance is not required, with webinar or conference call options available for all meetings. Meetings will not be recorded, but ODFW staff will take minutes. Meeting summaries will be posted on the ODFW website. ODFW may also solicit CNAP input via email for immediate needs such as in-season adjustments to harvest limits.
  • Member terms will be for three years and members may be reappointed at ODFW’s discretion. ODFW may also solicit applications for new members at any time to address gaps in representation or emerging needs.

CNAP members

Name Affiliation Sector
Aaron Ashdown F/V Spirit Harvester
Steve Johnson
F/V JJ Harvester
Cody Lucchesi
Wilder Seafood, Corfini Gourmet Processor, Dealer
Aaron McKenzie
F/V Lynoma Harvester
Brian Trotter
F/V Water Trotter, Water Trotter Fisheries  Harvester, Dealer
Joe Watkins F/V Clifford H, F/V Opie, Watkins Guide Service, LLC  Harvester, Dealer
Robert Watson F/V Stormy2, F/V Stormy3, Watson Fisheries LLC Harvester, Dealer
William Goergen F/V Catalyst, F/V Ann Me, Catalyst Seafood Harvester, Processor, Retail Sales
Evan Locke F/V Codfather Inc. Harvester
John Shaw F/V $ Pit Harvester

*To subscribe to receive email updates about CNAP, including meeting notices, email

Dory boat
Dory boat
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