- Donnellan, M., A. Merems, and W. Miller. 2008. Developing Fish Monitoring Methods on Southern Oregon Reefs [Redfish Rocks] (pdf).Final Report to the Department of Land Conservation and Development in fulfillment of 2006-07 Coastal Zone Management Section 309 Grant, Cooperative Agreement PS06005. Newport, OR. 43 pp.
- Donnellan, M., A. Merems, W. Miller, and M. Dinsmore. 2009. Resolving spatial scales of fish-habitat relationships on nearshore rocky reefs (pdf). Final report for the State Wildlife Grant Program T-17. Newport, OR. 110 pp.
- Donnellan, M., A. Merems, and W. Miller. 2009. Habitat and Fish Communities at Otter Rock & Cape Foulweather (pdf). Final Report to the Department of Land Conservation and Development in fulfillment of 2007-08 Coastal Zone Management Section 309 Grant, Cooperative Agreement PS07066-04. 46 pp.
- Fox, D.S.; Merems, A.; Miller, B.; Long, M.; McCrae, J.; Mohler, J. 1994. Oregon rocky shores natural resource inventory. Newport, OR: Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife. 168 pp. Available at Hatfield Marine Science Center Library
- Fox, D.S.; Merems, A.; Golden, J.; Amend, M. 1996. 1996 Kelp/reef habitat assessment. Newport, OR: Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife. 61pp. Available at Hatfield Marine Science Center Library
- Fox, D.S.; Starr, R.M. 1996. Comparison of commercial fishery and research catch data. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 53: 2681-2694
- Fox, D.S.; Amend, M.; Merems, A.; Miller, B; Golden, J. 1998. 1998 Nearshore rocky reef assessment (pdf). Newport, OR: Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife. 54pp.
- Fox, D.S.; Amend, M.; Merems, A. 1999. 1999 Nearshore rocky reef assessment (pdf). Newport, OR: Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife. 40 pp.
- Fox, D.S.; Amend, M.; Merems, A.; Appy, M. 2000. 2000 Nearshore rocky reef assessment (pdf). Newport, OR: Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife. 32 pp.
- Fox, D.S.; Merems, A.; Amend M.; Weeks, H.; Romsos, C.; Appy, M. 2004. Comparative Characterization of Two Nearshore Rocky Reef Areas (pdf) : A high-use recreational fishing reef vs. an unfished reef. Newport, OR: Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife. 67 pp.
- Merems, A. and M. Donnellan. 2011. Kelp canopy and biomass survey (pdf). Final companion report for the State Wildlife Grant Program T-22 N-03. Newport, OR. 39 pp.
- Miller, B.M; Fox, D.S.; Merems, A.; Amend, M. 1997. 1997 Kelp/reef habitat assessment. Newport, OR: Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife. 40pp.Available at Hatfield Marine Science Center Library
- Minerals Management Service. 1992. Fishery databases: description, documentation and narrative for the state of Oregon. Camarillo, CA: U.S. Minerals Management Service. 75 pp.
- Mohler, J.E. 1997. Common plant's of Oregon's rocky intertidal habitats. Newport, OR: Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife. 2 pp. Available for purchase from the ODFW Salem office and some Oregon Coastal bookstores.
- Mohler, J.E.; Fox, D.S.; Hastie, B. 1997. Guide to Oregon's rocky intertidal habitats. Newport, OR: Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife. 46 pp. Available for purchase from the ODFW Salem office and some Oregon Coastal bookstores.
- Weeks, Hal; Merems, A. 2004. 2003 Nearshore Rocky Reef Habitat and Fish Survey, and Multi-Year Summary (pdf). Final Report for 2003-04 Grant. Cooperative Agreement No. 001-3176C-Fish. Oregon Department of Fish and Wilflife. 13 pp.
- Weeks, H., A. Merems, and W. Miller. 2007. 2006 Orford Reef Pilot ROV Survey (pdf). Final Report to the Department of Land Conservation and Development in fulfillment of 2005-06 Coastal Zone Management Section 309 Grant, Cooperative Agreement PS06005. Newport, OR. 27 pp.