Previous Harl Butte AKWA maps (for reference only)
March 4, 2019 – No wolves from the Harl Butte Pack were documented during 2018. Two other wolf groups used this area during the year.
April 12, 2018 – In 2017, the Harl Butte Pack produced at least three pups, but it is unknown if the pups survived to the end of the year and was not counted as a breeding pair. The breeding male was radio-collared in February and left the pack area in October. Collar data showed a 197mi² use area primarily in the Imnaha WMU with 76% of location data points on public lands.
April 10, 2017 – The Unnamed Wolves in the Imnaha and Snake River Units have been named the Harl Butte Pack. This pack is using part of the area previously occupied by the Imnaha Pack. A radio collar was placed on an adult male in February 2017.
July 21, 2016 – In early March 2016, 4 wolves were found within the traditional Imnaha Pack wintering area. A 10-month-old pup was radio-collared and released. That wolf dispersed from the area in mid-April. DNA analysis showed that the wolf was not related to any Imnaha Pack wolves, likely indicating that a new group of wolves were using the area. What is now believed to be the entire Imnaha Pack was removed in late March 2016 in response to chronic depredation. As of July, resident wolf activity has been documented again in the area. Biologists will continue monitoring activities to learn more about these wolves.