1. Fish Propagation License
Submit a Fish Propagation License Application (pdf) to the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife. The application describes the location of your facility, the water sources, the species and number of fish(es) you plan to raise, and the type of operation. There is no license application fee.
2. Water Rights
Your application must be accompanied by any necessary water right certificates for your commercial fish culture/propagation activity. Contact the Oregon Water Resources Department to determine if water rights are required for your fish culture operation.
If your planned fish culture operation includes a reservoir, you will need to obtain a water storage permit or provide written documentation that one is not needed. Contact Oregon Water Resources Department.
3. Pollution Discharge
Your expected production may require an Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) 300J Waste Discharge Permit. Your application should be accompanied by the waste discharge permit or a written statement from DEQ saying your operation is exempt from waste discharge requirements.
4. Land Use Approval
Your application must be accompanied by a Fish Propagation Planning Approval (pdf) form completed by the County Land Use Planning Office in the county where your facility is located.
If you are planning to construct a pond or reservoir in a waterway or wetland, you will need to obtain a Fill/Removal Permit or provide documentation that one is not needed. Contact Oregon Department of State Lands.
5. Application Review
You will be notified in writing when your application materials are received and are being reviewed. If the species you intend to raise is not native to Oregon, the application may be denied based on the list of prohibited species in OAR 635-056-0000, The Importation, Possession, Confinement, Transportation and Sale of Nonnative Wildlife.
6. Site Inspection
Once your application has been reviewed, the District Fish Biologist will contact you to make an appointment to inspect your facility. The purpose of the visit will be to familiarize the biologist with the location and operation of your facility, and to review the adequacy of your fish screens to prevent the escape of fish from your facility; the main concern is for the protection of wild fish resources in nearby streams.
7. Application Approval
If the application is approved, the applicant will be notified in writing and billed $151.50. When payment is received you will be issued a Fish Propagation License. This is an annual license, which you must renew each calendar year. The cost of a renewal is $151.50.
If the application is denied, the applicant is notified in writing of the reasons for the denial.