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Invasive Species Prevention

ODFW electro-fishing at sunset

ODFW electro-fishing at sunset

golden shiners

golden shiners

Everyone who enjoys Diamond Lake must take responsible action to keep invasive fish species out. Washing your fishing and swimming equipment, cleaning your boat thoroughly after leaving each water body visited, and checking your boat for aquatic hitchhikers will help.

Anglers are reminded that using live bait fish in freshwater is illegal in Oregon. The public can report anyone using live bait fish in Diamond Lake to the Oregon State Police at 541-440-3334. Get as much information as possible, including a description of the person(s), boat, vehicle, date, and time of day.

In 2008, small bait fish called golden shiners were found in Diamond Lake by Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife biologists in a trap net set on the lake’s western side. Trap net sets are part of the post-treatment monitoring plan to check for invasive fish and part of ODFW’s yearly monitoring to track stocked rainbow trout growth and fitness.

As soon as shiners were discovered, ODFW took action and electro-fished Diamond Lake, removing a total of 639 shiners. ODFW continued electro-fishing efforts in 2009-2013 along with additional netting operations later each season.

ODFW, Oregon State Marine Board, Umpqua National Forest, and Douglas County educate Diamond Lake visitors each summer on the perils of invasive species. Employees and volunteers have contacted anglers and fishing tournament participants and conducted boater surveys. Educational brochures are distributed and signs explaining the Diamond Lake story are posted around the lake.

ODFW will continue to closely monitor the fish population in Diamond Lake, checking for invasive species and visually surveying and electro-shocking shallow, weedy areas. In addition, predacious rainbow trout are stocked periodically as part of the 2009 Diamond Lake Management Plan.

Check the following Web sites for more information on how you can be a responsible Diamond Lake user.

If you find an aquatic invader, please report it to the Oregon Invasive Species Hotline, 1-866-INVADER, or contact the Oregon Department of Agriculture Weed Control Division at 503-986-4621 or ODFW at 541-440-3353.


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   © ODFW. All rights reserved. This page was last updated: 08/05/2013 2:43 PM