Every Hunter must have in his or her possession a valid hunting license (see below for specific category types). See exceptions for youths participating in the Mentored Youth Hunter Program in the Oregon Game Bird Regulations.
- No hunter may possess more than one valid hunting license. However, for the purpose of acquiring preference points under the controlled hunts system and hunting big game, a youth between the ages of 9 and 13 may hold both a free youth license and a juvenile hunting license.
- Annual hunting licenses are valid through Dec. 31 of each year. Hunts extending into the following calendar year require a new hunting license.
- Any hunter with a valid Oregon or Idaho license may hunt in the waters or on the islands of the Snake River, where the river forms the boundary between Oregon and Idaho. All laws and rules of the respective states apply.
- To hunt either the Oregon side or the Washington side of the Columbia River, a hunter must have a valid hunting license for the state in which he or she is hunting. All laws and rules or the respective state apply.
- Game bird hunters must obtain a FREE HIP (Harvest Information Program (pdf) ) validation. See the Game Bird Regulations for exceptions, detailed HIP Information and how to become HIP validated.
- To obtain a HIP validation, hunters may go to any license agent or send in the game bird application mail order form (pdf) found within the Game Bird Regulations.
- A separate validation is needed on game bird licenses to hunt crow.
- Depending on the species of bird you are hunting, you must have a federal waterfowl stamp and/or state game bird validations to hunt (within the Game Bird Regulations).
- Federal stamps and state validations are in effect from July 1 - June 30 of the following year.
- Any person 16 years of age or older must have a signed (in ink across the face), valid federal waterfowl stamp in his or her possession to hunt waterfowl.
- No federal waterfowl stamp is required for pigeon, dove, crow, coot, or snipe hunting.
- To hunt band-tailed pigeons, black brant or sea ducks, a separate permit is required (Game Bird Regulations).
- Oregon Residents must obtain a hunting, combination, or Sports Pac license to hunt in Oregon.
- Oregon Administrative Rule (OAR) 635-010-0015(4)(a) provides the legal standard for purchasing a resident license: “A resident is one who has physically dwelled in Oregon continuously for the six months prior to applying for a license. Temporary absences from Oregon during that time period do not defeat a person’s residency so long as such absences were not for the purpose of establishing residency outside Oregon." The legal requirement is implemented by this certification that a license applicant must sign: “I, the undersigned, hereby certify and declare that the information I have provided to obtain this license is true. To acquire an Oregon resident license/tag I certify that I have resided continuously within Oregon no less than 6 months immediately prior to applying for this license/tag. I have resided in Oregon for ___ Years ___ Months. I acknowledge this license was issued as requested and understand that no refund will be made.”
- These requirements are waived for certain active members of the armed forces and for some foreign exchange students (see OAR 635-010-0015(4) for details) Submitting a false application is a crime.
- Resident hunters 9-17 years of age can buy a juvenile license at a reduced fee. All others (18 years of age and older) must purchase a regular hunting license.
- For hunters 13 years of age and younger, please refer to the Youth section below.
- Oregon residents must obtain appropriate validations to hunt in Oregon.
- Residents 14 years of age or older must have a state waterfowl validation included on their hunting license and in their possession to hunt ducks, mergansers, geese and coots. See information on federal stamp requirements above.
- Residents 14 years of age or older must have a state upland game bird validation included on their hunting license and in their possession to hunt pheasant, grouse, quail and partridge.
- Youth (resident and non resident) must obtain a hunting license.
- All hunters 13 years of age and under must obtain a FREE youth license (to hunt game birds and small game only). This youth license is required for participation in HIP.
- Youths 13 years of age and under while hunting on property other than their own must be accompanied by an adult 21 years of age or older.
- Resident hunters 9 -17 years of age can buy a juvenile license at a reduced fee. All others need to purchase a regular hunting license.
- Tag and application requirements:
- Youths 13 years of age and under are required to obtain a FREE license in order to purchase a band-tailed pigeon permit, black brant permit, sea duck permit, turkey tags or apply for sage grouse and waterfowl reservation hunts.
- All youths 17 years of age and younger must have a Hunter Education Certificate or a department issued document (ex. hunting license ) which includes their Hunter Education certificate number in their possession to hunt anywhere except on their own land or land owned by their parent or legal guardian. For Hunter Education class information or to obtain a replacement copy of a hunter safety card, call the Hunter Education office in Salem at 503-947-6018.
- See exceptions for the Mentored Youth Hunter Program.
- All nonresidents who want to hunt in Oregon must obtain a valid hunting license if 18 years of age or older.
- A 3-Day Nonresident Hunting Licenses for game birds and crow are only valid for three consecutive days.
- Applicable game bird validations, permits, and turkey tags are required to go along with this hunting license
- This license is not valid to apply for controlled bird hunts.To apply for controlled bird hunts, a regular nonresident hunting license is required.
- Nonresidents 18 years of age or older must have a nonresident game bird validation included on their hunting license and in possession to hunt ducks, mergansers, geese, coots, pheasants, grouse, quail, and partridge.
- For hunters 17 years of age and younger, please refer to the Youth section above.
- All Landowners must obtain a hunting license.
- Resident landowners can obtain a FREE landowner license to hunt game birds on their own property, except for black brant, band-tailed pigeon, sea duck, sage grouse and turkey (spring and fall). For these hunt types, a regular hunting license is required for landowners hunting on their own property.
- Obtain appropriate validations:
- Required to participate in HIP (see ALL HUNTERS above).
- Residents 14 years of age or older hunting upland or waterfowl, see ALL HUNTERS and OREGON RESIDENTS for specific information.
- Nonresidents 14 years of age or older hunting upland or waterfowl, see ALL HUNTERS and NONRESIDENTS for specific information.
- Landowners hunting turkeys on their own property must have a turkey tag.
- Landowners hunting sage grouse on their own property must have a sage grouse permit.
No person shall:
- Hunt game birds or crows by the use or aid of any live birds for decoys.
- Hunt game birds (except for crows) by the use of records or tapes of bird calls or sounds, or electrically amplified imitations of bird calls or sounds.
- Hunt game birds with the use of decoys powered by motor, battery, or other self powered methods. Quiver magnets are also illegal. Decoys with parts that are moved solely by human actions (for example, via a cable or pull-string) or the wind are allowed. See Commission briefing (pdf)